Riverbed Soul Saver Phantasm Clear No Deaths No Bombs No Hypers
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=9rSwdpyKPig
Riverbed Soul Saver is a Touhou fangame released in 2014 (DDC era), and the third game in a series programmed by ido (with Len added to the team for this game). After completing the Extra stage with a shot type, that shot type can play the Phantasm stage. • In this game you get a bomb fragment for every 1,000 point items collected starting with 500 and a life fragment for every 1,000 starting at 1,000. In addition, if you don't die/bomb on a boss attack, you get a life/bomb fragment respectively. Since I'm not dying or bombing, that's basically trivia. There are also hypers that are basically the whole draw of the game mechanics but I'm not using those either because it's more fun not to in my opinion. • ido's games are excessively processor-intensive, and while the game only lags in a couple of instances while I'm playing, trying to record the game has much slower results in places. The option to cut visual effects is there; I kept in just enough to show the stage backgrounds. New for this video, I found the Flexible FPS option so it's not nearly as bad. If you see the FPS drop, that doesn't necessarily mean the game is running more slowly. • As always, annotations provide a guided tour of the video. If you don't like them, turn them off. • The entire package for this game can be downloaded from here: http://www1.axfc.net/u/3402547?key=mr... • v1.02b patch - http://th-jss.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/... • You will need your system locale to be in Japanese.