Whats In Your Bible Archaic STITCH Besom Chambering Emerods

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What’s In Your Bible: Alleged Archaic Words STITCH • Verses he memorized as a child? • I would say that it’s because of him being brought up in and memorizing the King James Bible English that he’s so well articulate today. Obviously, he’s taken that skill of learning new things and words that • Imagine the idea of reading and memorizing the King James Bible and becoming better educated and articulate. • While the King James Translators may not have had access to the current 6006 extant manuscripts, no new readings have been discovered. • Everything outside of what they had, only support what the Reformation translators translated except for a minor few corrupt manuscripts from Alexandria, Egypt which we’ve shown in past posts. • The Reformers had access to the Roman Catholic Egyptian Vaticanus. • It was considered corrupt and of little value. • Unfortunately, this single Vaticanus manuscript is the final authority of many new translations today. • They ignore most of the other 6000 • Words never lose their meaning. They can have new meanings added, but they never lose their meaning once they have it. • It’s written and recorded in history. • The Oxford English Dictionary is a good resource to find meanings of words. • (Beware, the online versions aren’t as complete or as thorough as the printed editions) • Learning something new helps you to rightly divide the word of truth. • If you Google Besom, there are all kinds of web pages and YouTube videos to show you how to make one. • If it’s archaic, how is it still used today? On YouTube even. • The poster infers that since besom really means broom, that it’s archaic, and should be changed due to daily usage issues. • What is wrong with learning a new word? • Common man can barely read any newspaper without coming across words they don’t know. • Is it impossible to understand what besom means without a dictionary? • In order to rightly divide the word of truth, one must always consider the context: • Let’s see if you can guess what a Besom is by its context: • Isaiah 14:23 I will also make it a possession for the bittern, and pools of water: and I will sweep it with the besom of destruction, saith the LORD of hosts. • The word Besom is one of the most common examples today’s apologists use on how archaic The King James Bible is. • Were you able to understand what besom was from the context? • With as many people using this as an example, they are ironically teaching everyone what it means thereby making it not so archaic. • Let’s say you can’t tell what a word means even from the context. • Look it up in a dictionary. • What happens when you Search for Besom on the internet. • Besom has it’s own Wikipedia page. • Besom is a specific type of broom. • Stick in the middle, twigs or straw all around. • A website uses the term Besom defining it as being a Witches Broom. • Look at all of these YouTube videos on how to make a Besom. • If Besom is such an archaic word, why is it still being used in the public forum? • Besom is used only once in the Bible and within the context, it’s hard to believe that someone couldn’t understand what it meant. • Chambering: Romans 13:13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. • The context gives you a hint that it’s a negative connotation. • What does Chambering mean? Let’s break it down. • Chamber as in Bed Chamber. With the suffex “ing” making it a gerund meaning actively going from bedroom to bedroom or bed to bed to put it nicely. • Now that you know the definition… Which is more understandable, Chambering or Immorality? • Is stealing immoral? Lying, kidnapping? • Chambering is a bit more specific than immorality. • He didn’t mention wantonness. Wantonness is being lewd or lasciviousness. (picture of Wantonness definition.) • This fits perfectly within the context of Chambering but not all of immorality. • Is there a problem with using a dictionary? • All Reformation Bibles have it and they were written so that the ignorant plowboy could understand. • Ignorant plowboys had to learn English too. Including Besom, Chambering, and Emerods. • Emerod: Tumors or hemorrhoids. • I’m objecting to terms that don’t mean what they meant today • Except the word “Awful” isn’t in the King James Bible. • Besides, I bet his wife has awfully nice hair. • If the goal is to make the Bible easier to read, which would you consider being harder, or not really used today? • porphyry or Red Esther 1:6 • Satraps or princes Esther 3:12 • Vestments or Apparel? Ezra 3:10 • Now, don’t get me wrong, I like this guy! • Most of his posts are spot on when dealing with anti-Bible naysayers. • People who are trying to gain fame while destroying the authority of the Bible • I haven’t seen everything he’s done, but for the most part, I like him! • I like his research, his attitude, his presentation, and his resourcefulness. • As with everyone, including me, eat the meat and spit out the bones.


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