CUT OUT OF CAR from the driver amp firemans view
#Extrication #CarCrash #CutFromCar • CUT OUT OF CAR from the driver fire crew's view • I dearly hope that you never have to experience this for real. This video shows you what it is like to be cut out of a car. If you have an accident or collision and have any neck or back pain, it is likely the medics will want to neutralise you to prevent any further injury. In this scenario, it is nearly impossible to get you out of the vehicle without either cutting the side or the roof off the car. • In this example, the West Midlands Volunteer Fire Service demonstrate how they remove the roof from a Renault Clio with me sat in the drivers seat, at the Tanks, Trucks and Firepower show. You’ll see what its like to be cut out from a crashed car, with cameras on both me and the fire crew, in front of a live audience. • Once they arrive on site, each member of the team has a specific role to play, whether it is managing the scene, keeping the patient safe or handling equipment. They start by setting up all of the kit they need near by the scene, so they have instant access to everything they need. • They quickly move to cutting the car, starting at the pillar furthest away from me – in this case, the passenger A-pillar, and move around the car in an anti-clockwise route. Someone is with me the whole time, making sure I am safe and staying awake. • With the roof removed, I am out the of the car in minutes on a spine board that literally straps me down so I can’t move an inch. As they prove at the end with a complete 360 turn over. • Massive thank you to the West Midlands Volunteer Fire Service for looking after me and getting me out safe and sound. • Please. DRIVE SAFE. • Subscribe for weekly videos on cars, shows and events from across the UK.