Reconciliation 2 Corinthians 51721
If you believe in Jesus Christ, you have eternal life. This means that you have been reconciled to God; your relationship with Him has been fixed and you will go to heaven one day. In 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, it both says that we have been reconciled to God and commands us to be reconciled to God. If you are God’s friend, then be God’s friend by following Him and living for Him. To love God is to keep His commandments. Reconciliation with God is only possible through Jesus Christ. Only He can save you from an eternity apart from God and only He can help you experience His friendship here and now. • Follow this link to learn how you can download this video and the family time devotional that goes with it: • Related Verses: • 2 Corinthians 5 17-21 - Been reconciled be reconciled • John 5 24 - Passed from death to life. • John 15 14-15 - Friends of God • 1 John 5 3 - Love God by obeying • Family Time Questions: • What does it mean that you have been reconciled to God? • How can we follow the command to be reconciled to God? • What must you do to have eternal life? • Why is it so important to obey God? • Family Time Prayer: • Dear God, thank you for reconciling us to yourself through faith in Jesus. Help us to follow you so we can experience your friendship here and now. In Jesus’ name, Amen. • If you would like information on how to support Douglas' ministry, visit • And, kids, remember to always ask your parent's permission before you do ANYTHING online (like clicking links!). • Douglas Talks is a Christian video series meant to help parents and teachers explain Biblical truths to their kids in a way that is fun and easy to understand. Join Douglas as he learns to live God's way! • Where'd the comments go? • Due to the Federal Trade Commission's Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (or, COPPA for short), all comments (and several other features) have been disabled on my channel to better protect kids' privacy online. But I would love to still be able to connect with you! So, with the help of an adult, we can still talk on my Facebook page ▶▶▶ / douglastalks • #sundayschool #childrensministry #biblestudy #jesuslovesyou #christianmessages #biblelessonsforkids #kidmin #douglastalks