How is Jesus the BEGOTTEN Son of God if he’s God Sam Shamoun


Shamounian / Sam Shamoun talks about how Jesus became the begotten Son of God is he already existed with the father and is God and eternal and was not created. When we look at the passage in question they quote the verse in psalms where God tells david that today you have become my son and today i have begotten you. Now in the case of david and solomon this was applied to both of then when they sat on the throne who was king of israel but they were already the son of God spiritually through circumcision covenant but when they became king they became the royal son of God and god tells them if they keep his commandments he will make their kingdom last forever but they failed and the leadership was taken away from them then Jesus comes to the scene and is from the line of david who sits on his throne in heaven after his resurrection and becomes the begotten son of God because now he rules over everything and Jesus being sinless keeps all the commandments making his kingdom last forever. So this shows that when Jesus is the begotten son of God it means he is the person who will sit on the throne who is God who is Jesus who is identified as the son who obeyed God and will rule forever. • (New Testament) • Luke 1 verse 30 to 33 • Hebrews 1 verses 3 to 5 • (Old Testament) • 1 Chronicles 17 verse 13 • 1 Chronicles 22 verse 7 to 10 • 1 Chronicles 28 verses 3 to 7 • Exodus 4 verse 22 • 🟢Timestamps: • 0:00 “He will be my father and i will be his son” Context • 3:27 What type of Sonship are they receiving being King on the throne? • 6:03 Royal Son of God meaning (Line of David /King) • 8:21 Jesus being the Royal Son of God who sits on Davids Throne • 10:13 What does Jesus being “begotten” mean ? • Subscribe to ​⁠‪@shamounian‬ • Sam Shamouns Articles to Help with Christian / Islam objections • • • Tiktok where i repost other clips: • • #samshamoun #christianity #bible


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