How to find a leaking windshield
How to find a leak in your windshield • The video below shows how to air test the windshield to find exactly where the leak is. While leaks can occur any time a windshield is installed (even factory installations will occasionally leak), they often result from low price/ low quality windshield replacements. Leaks can also result from using low quality urethane adhesives. This test only takes a few minutes and can quickly identify, or rule out the source of a frustrating leak inside your car. Common sources of water leaks include windshield, backglass, sunroof, body seam, roof racks, roof mounted antennas, and roof mounted lights. Leaks can sometimes be very difficult to diagnose, but the windshield is actually pretty easy to test following the directions below. • One thing to keep in mind is that water only flows downhill (thanks to gravity). So if the source of the leak appears to be above the level of the windshield, it probably isn't the windshield that is leaking. It is also important to quickly get any water leaks in your vehicle repaired. water can cause mold growth(leading to a stinky car) and accelerate rust in your floor boards. • To perform this test: • you will need compressed air and either foaming glass cleaner (link below) or soapy water. apply the foam or soapy water to the outside of the windshield along the perimeter. Then blow the compressed air along the edge of the windshield from the inside of the vehicle, while watching for bubbles from the outside. The bubbles will show you exactly where the water is leaking into the vehicle. Now you know how to find a leak in your windshield, if you have any questions, put them in the comments. • Sprayway foaming glass cleaner: • • Check us out at: • • / texstarautoglass • / texstar_glass •