Watch Out Lions In The Road Dont Drive Over Them


Amazing sighting of three lazy Lionesses of the Satara Lion Pride AND a sub adult Male Lion causing a massive traffic jam by blocking the main road in Kruger National Park. • Note that one of the Lionesses is pregnant, which is good news. • The Satara Pride are controlled by famous Casper The White Lion and his three 'Shish' Brothers - Footloose, Mfowethu and Casanova. • Could we see a White Lion Cub soon? • Three cute lion cubs were born out of the Pride some months ago but none of them were white. • Casper the White Lion and his Brothers were born in 2014 into the Shishangaan Lion Pride and was Fathered by Xihamham and his Brother which is still alive and now control the Mananga and Mountain Prides to the east of the S41, close to the Singita Concession Area, in Kruger National Park. • The Satara Lion Pride currently consist of six Lionesses, three young Cubs and a Sub Adult male and are controlled by Casper The White Lion and his three Brothers. • The Sub Adult will very soon be expelled from the Pride, as he has reached sexual maturity, to prevent inbreeding into the Pride. • He is currently about three years old and the brother of the Satara Lionesses. • This video was filmed between the H6 and the N'wanetsi River Bridge on the H1-3, just South of Satara Rest-camp in Kruger National Park, South Africa. • Notice how the traffic had to navigate around the KINGS Of THE ROAD trying not to disturb them. • Visitors to Kruger National Park we salute you for your patience! • The reason why white lions are so incredibly rare is because the mating female and the male must both possess the recessive gene called leucism in order to produce a white lion cub. The likelihood of both lions having this gene is extremely uncommon, which is why these pale-coloured lions are so special. • GAME DRIVE ETIQUETTE - RULES (SANParks): • – When you come across a sighting, slowly pull over on the side of the road closest to the animal, but keep a safe distance and turn OFF your engine • – If there are animals in the road, immediately stop at least 20 m from them • – The lane furthest from the sighting should NEVER be blocked, so that others can pass if they want to • – Don’t linger longer than a few minutes at a sighting, so that others can view it too • – Never go off the designated roads • – Never climb out of your vehicle during a drive, or hang out of your car windows or sunroof • – Don’t hoot or blare loud music • – Avoid driving into vegetation, as this could damage the environment or kill small animals • – During night drives, never shine a spotlight directly in animals’ eyes • – Never make noise to get animals to move, stand up or otherwise react for pictures • – Respect the rangers, and always comply with their requests or instructions • Beautiful, Original and High Quality Wildlife videos only on this channel. • Enjoy, Like and Subscribe for more. • • SUBSCRIBE • ALSO: Watch and subscribe to this amazing Big On Wild Wildlife Channel    / @bigonwild  


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