How to recondition a battery with the Energic Plus battery regenerator


Batteries lose capacity and efficiency due to accumulation of extremely hard lead sulfate crystals. The standard charging method will not reverse this process. A battery regenerator, also called a battery reconditioner, will restore and prolong the life of these batteries and will save you money. • Battery regeneration or reconditioning is very popular. 80% of the batteries breaking down and losing capacity are sulphated, but can be restored with the right equipment. Our battery regenerator succesfully removes sulphation due to a electrical high-frequency pulsation process. This process restores the battery capacity, giving you the ability to reuse old and sulphated batteries. You can also use the battery regenerator for annual maintenance to strongly prolong the lifespan of your batteries. • Use the Energic Replus battery regenerator to desulphate your batteries, maintain them in optimal sulphate-free condition and restore their productivity to a 90-100% productivity! • Visit our website for more info about our battery reconditioning solution:


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