Instant Cold Pack The Chemicals Inside Product Breakdown


See how Instant Cold Packs work! I turn one inside out to show you the parts / ingredients to explain the reaction that creates instant ice-like conditions. In the process several questions are answered: 1. Can you make your own instant ice packs? 2. How do instant ice packs work? 3. What is inside these ice packs? 4. What are the safety considerations? Hint - Warning: chemicals inside (handle with caution). • For this type of project or anything similar I highly encourage you to look up safety information about products and their ingredients before you begin to open them up, tear them apart, or try to make your own. A good starting point is to find Safety Data Sheets (SDS) or Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the brand of product and then also for the specific ingredients. In this video you see the volume of Ammonium Nitrate inside a cold pack as well as some images from the MSDS that points out some of the warnings / risks. Always wear protective gear. NEVER consume the contents! • Music (Mirrorball, Traveling Man):


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