The Weather Man 2005 David Spritz imagining what his life would be like


The Weather Man is a 2005 American comedy-drama film, directed by Gore Verbinski and written by Steven Conrad. Starring Nicolas Cage and Michael Caine. • A curious entry in Gore Verbinski's filmography, following the life of a successful weatherman (played by Nicolas Cage). Despite his high-paying and unchallenging job, he feels uncontented, failing to reconcile with his estranged wife, feeling overshadowed by his father, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, as well as experiencing resentment from random strangers throwing fast-food at him, as a sign of disrespect for the work he does. It's a wonderful drama about the multilayeredness of personal content and success, illustrating how, despite obvious professional success, one can feel like a failure, both in personal life and in pursuing one's dreams (he also happens to be an aspiring writer). The movie has a slightly pesimistic but convincing message about coming to terms with your own character and talents. • This is a key-scene in the movie where the main character has an important realization about himself, a brilliantly written inner-monologue on the common failure of overreaching personal expectations, leading to reconciliation with the reality of one's life, abilities and talents at hand. • IMDB entry: • FAIR USE STATEMENT: • This clip is used in research and education (history/analysis of movie scenes with significant insight into condition of man). No citation here of work by others constitutes any infringement of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. This clip conforms to all criteria determining the fair and/or scholarly use of citation according to U.S. Federal Law (Sections 107-118 of the Copyright Act; title 17, U.S. Code).


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