MarmokA5 B1 mooring in BiMEP


This video was recorded to assess the impact caused by the B1 mooring of the MARMOK-A-5 electrical power generator installed in BiMEP, on the seafloor integrity, in the framework of the European WESE-Project. • MARMOK-A-5, developed by IDOM-Oceantec, uses wave energy to create electricity. It is a low power prototype based on the oscillating water column (OWC) working principle, with a point absorber configuration. • The survey was carried out with a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). • The filmed sections of the mooring are represented in the scheme shown at 00:015-00:20, and the main features recorded are indexed below: • 00:00 Introduction • 00:20 Sea cucumbers (probably, Holothuria tubulosa) and ediment mound with mussel shells (Mytilus galloprovincialis), near the B1 anchor. • 00:30 Sediment mound with mussel shells (Mytilus galloprovincialis), near the B1 anchor. Starfishes (Marthasterias glacialis), probably preying on mussels (M. galloprovincialis), close to the B1 anchor. • 00:50 Ripple marks on sandy sediment, European conger (Conger conger), near the B1 anchor and the chain to it, respectively. Shoal of poutings (Trisopterus luscus), near the B1 anchor. • 01:05 Chain to B1 anchor, partially buried by the sediment. The chain lays on the valleys of the ripple marks, with the crests over it. • 02:01 Comber (Serranus cabrilla), near the chain to B1 anchor. • 02:15 Starfish (Astropecten irregularis), close to the chain to B1 anchor. • 03:11 Red gurnard (Chelidonichthys cuculus), close to the chain to B1 anchor. Unidentified fish on the chain to B1 anchor. • 04:27 Chain to B1 anchor on the sediment. There is a footprint of the chain, as removed ripple marks, caused by its lateral oscillation. • 05:35 Landing area of the chain to B1 anchor. The chain is vertically oscillating. Its footprint goes further, since the landing area moves as the depth varies by the effect of the tides. • • • #MARENDATA #MarmokA5 #BiMEP #waveenergy #renewables #marinerenewables #EASME #EMFF


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