Root Root capRoot pocketutricularialifeScienceAt7pm
#Morphologyofflowering • plants ,root cap,root pocket, utricularia,ceratophyllum,pandanus,wolffia, • Morphology is the name given to the science that deals with the study of the form and structure of things. No matter which plant you take, the morphology of a flowering plant includes the roots, stem, leaves, flowers, and fruits. • Let us have a look at the flowering plants and morphology of flowering plants notes in detail. • Flowering plants are the most diverse group of land plants with 300,000 known species. These are also known as angiosperms and produce seed-bearing fruits. It is believed that the flowering plant evolved from gymnosperms during the Triassic period and the first flowering plant emerged 140 million years ago. • Flowers are the reproductive organs of the flowering plants and the most important feature that distinguishes them from other seed plants. These have led to the speciation of angiosperms that helps them to adapt to diverse ecological niches. • The flowering plants reproduce by the process of pollination. In this, the pollen grains transfer from the anther of the male flowers to the stigma of the female flower where fertilization occurs and seed is formed. • When we look into the morphology of flowering plants, a plant has two systems root system and shoot system. The underground part is called the root while the one above is named the shoot. • Root System • The root is a brown, nongreen and underground part of a plant. Root with their branches is collectively called a root system. There are three types of the root system: • Taproot System • The taproot is mainly found in dicotyledonous plants. It develops from the radicle of the germinating seed, along with its primary roots and branches, giving rise to the taproot system. Mustard seeds, mangoes, grams and banyan are a few examples of dicotyledonous plants with taproot system. • The Fibrous root System • The fibrous root is mainly found in ferns and in all monocotyledonous plants. This root develops from thin, moderately branching roots or primary roots, growing from the stem. The fibrous root system usually does not penetrate deep into the soil, therefore, on full maturity, these roots look like a mat or a carpet on the floor. Wheat, paddy, grass, carrots, onion, grass are a few examples of monocotyledonous plants with the fibrous root system. • The Adventitious root System • The roots which originate from any part of the plant body other than the radicle is called the adventitious root system. This root system is mainly found in all monocotyledonous plants. In plants, the adventitious root system is used for various purposes, like mechanical support, vegetative propagation, etc. Banyan tree, maize, oak trees, horsetails are a few examples of monocotyledonous plants with the adventitious root system. • Functions of Root • General functions of a root include: • Storage. • Anchorage. • Absorption of water and minerals. • Regions of Root • The three regions of a root are- • The Root Cap. • The region of maturation. • The region of Elongation. • • Shoot System • Another essential part of the plant is its stem. It is the ascending part of the plant axis which bears branches, leaves, flowers, fruits and helps in the conduction of water and minerals. It is the aerial part of the plant, developed from the plumule of an embryo or the germinating seeds. • Young stems are usually green in colour and subsequently becomes woody and brown. The stem is modified into certain structures according to the function they perform. • Characteristics of Stem • Some of the important characteristics of the stem are: • The stem develops from the plumule and epicotyl of the embryo. • The stem is erect and grows away from the soil towards the light. • There is a terminal bud at the apex of the stem. • In angiosperms, the shoot is differentiated into nodes and internodes. • Young stems are green and photosynthetic. • Multicellular hair is present. • The stem and branches of mature plants bear fruits and flowers. • Different forms • The leaf is a laterally borne structure and usually flattened. It is the main photosynthetic part of the plants. It absorbs light and helps in the exchange of gases through the stomata. • The main parts of the leaf include the leaf base, petiole, and lamina. They grow at the node and bear a bud at the axil. The arrangement of veins and veinlets in a leaf is called venation. The leaves are green because of the presence of the photosynthetic pigment called chlorophyll and have a tiny pore or opening called stomata, where the gaseous exchange takes place. • Leaves can be furte different types of fruits a • telegram • • • #lifeScienceAt7pm • free PDF • file available_ • • #morphologyoffloweringplantsclassncert, #morphologyoffloweringplantsclassoneshot, • morphology of flowering plants class 11 neet, Morphology of flowering plants class 11 • #morphologyoffloweringplants • #morphology_of_flowering_plants • #MorphologyOfFloweringPlantsClass11