【4K映像】東海道線 下り電車 Tokaido Line outbound Train
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=A9hAp4DppEU
2024.9.16#4K映像#横須賀線#Yokosuka Line down train • https://llckagu.base.shop/items/80994788 • エキナカ 立ち食い鉄道旅1 Kindle版発売中 • 1都5県大回り鉄道旅 Kindle版 • https://x.gd/9JXOk • 鎌倉は日本の歴史と文化が息づく美しい場所で、多くの魅力があります。以下に、鎌倉の特徴的な魅力をいくつかご紹介します: • 鎌倉大仏: 鎌倉には日本で有名な大仏像があります。鎌倉大仏は高さ約13メートルで、仏教寺院・高徳院内に鎮座しています。その迫力ある姿は必見です。 • 鶴岡八幡宮: 鎌倉のシンボルとも言える鶴岡八幡宮は、美しい鳥居と参道があります。特に、鳥居から海を望む景色は絶景です。 • 鎌倉の海岸と湘南海岸: 鎌倉は太平洋に面しており、美しい海岸線が広がっています。湘南海岸はサーフィンや海水浴に最適なスポットとしても知られています。 • 歴史的な寺院と神社: 鎌倉には多くの歴史的な寺院や神社が点在しています。建長寺、報国寺、円覚寺などは、美しい庭園や歴史的な建物が魅力です。 • 小町通り: 鎌倉の中心部にある小町通りは、おしゃれなカフェやショップ、アンティークショップが並ぶ通りです。散策しながら地元の雰囲気を楽しめます。 • これらの魅力的な要素が、鎌倉を訪れる人々に心温まる体験を提供しています。ぜひ鎌倉を訪れて、その魅力を堪能してください! • Kamakura is a beautiful place where Japanese history and culture breathe, and there are many charms. Here are some characteristic attractions of Kamakura: • -A Kamakura Daibutsu: Kamakura has a famous Buddha statue in Japan. The Kamakura Daibutsu is about 13 meters high and is enshrined in the Buddhist temple, Kotoku -in Temple. The powerful figure is a must -see. • -Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine: Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine, which is a symbol of Kamakura, has a beautiful torii and approach. In particular, the view of the sea from the torii is superb. • -A Kamakura coast and Shonan coast: Kamakura faces the Pacific Ocean and has a beautiful coastline. The Shonan Coast is also known as the best spot for surfing and swimming. • -The historic temple and shrines: Kamakura is dotted with many historical temples and shrines. Kencho -ji Temple, Hyokuni -ji, Enkaku -ji, etc. are attractive for beautiful gardens and historical buildings. • -Komachi -dori: Komachi -dori, located in the center of Kamakura, is lined with stylish cafes, shops, and antique shops. You can enjoy the local atmosphere while walking. • These attractive elements provide a heartwarming experience to people visiting Kamakura. Please visit Kamakura and enjoy its charm! • Kamakura is a beautiful place where Japanese history and culture breathe, and there are many charms. Here are some characteristic attractions of Kamakura: • -A Kamakura Daibutsu: Kamakura has a famous Buddha statue in Japan. The Kamakura Daibutsu is about 13 meters high and is enshrined in the Buddhist temple, Kotoku -in Temple. The powerful figure is a must -see. • -Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine: Tsuruoka Hachimangu Shrine, which is a symbol of Kamakura, has a beautiful torii and approach. In particular, the view of the sea from the torii is superb. • -A Kamakura coast and Shonan coast: Kamakura faces the Pacific Ocean and has a beautiful • coastline. The Shonan Coast is also known as the best spot for surfing and swimming. • -The historic temple and shrines: Kamakura is dotted with many historical temples and shrines. Kencho -ji Temple, Hyokuni -ji, Enkaku -ji, etc. are attractive for beautiful gardens and historical buildings. • -Komachi -dori: Komachi -dori, located in the center of Kamakura, is lined with stylish cafes, shops, and antique shops. You can enjoy the local atmosphere while walking. • These attractive elements provide a heartwarming experience to people visiting Kamakura. Please visit Kamakura and enjoy its charm! • Kamakura é um lugar bonito onde a história e a cultura japonesas respiram, e há muitos encantos. Aqui estão algumas atrações características de Kamakura: • -A Kamakura Daibutsu: Kamakura tem uma famosa estátua de Buda no Japão. O Kamakura Daibutsu tem cerca de 13 metros de altura e está consagrado no templo budista, o templo de Kotoku. A figura poderosa é uma obrigação. • -Tsuruoka Hachimangu Santuário: Tsuruoka Hachimangu Santuário, que é um símbolo de Kamakura, tem um belo torii e abordagem. Em particular, a vista do mar do Torii é excelente. • -A costa de Kamakura e Shonan Costa: Kamakura enfrenta o Oceano Pacífico e tem uma bela costa. A costa de Shonan também é conhecida como o melhor local para surfar e natação. • -O templo histórico e santuários: Kamakura é pontilhado com muitos templos e santuários históricos. O templo de Kencho -ji, Hyokuni -ji, enkaku -ji, etc. são atraentes para belos jardins e edifícios históricos. • -Komachi -dori: Komachi -Dori, localizado no centro de Kamakura, está alinhado com cafés, lojas e lojas de antiguidades elegantes. Você pode desfrutar da atmosfera local enquanto caminha. • Esses elementos atraentes oferecem uma experiência emocionante para as pessoas que visitam Kamakura. Por favor, visite Kamakura e aproveite seu charme! • Kamakura est un bel endroit où l'histoire et la culture japonaises respirent, et il y a beaucoup de charmes. Voici quelques attractions caractéristiques de Kamakura: • -A Kamakura Daibutsu: Kamakura a une célèbre statue de Bouddha au Japon. Le Kamakura Daibutsu mesure environ 13 mètres de haut et est consacré dans le temple bouddhiste, le temple Kotoku. La figure puissante est un incontournable. • -Suruoka Hachimangu sanctuaire: le sanctuaire de Tsuruoka Hachimangu, qui est un symbole de Kamakura, a un beau torii et une approche. En particulier, la vue de la mer depuis les Torii est superbe.