2 Police REFUSE to Follow CPS Workers Lies and Harassment
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=AAOEVSqTheg
After the corrupt CPS investigator lies to Minneapolis police by saying he has a judge's Order (THERE IS NO ORDER), the cops tell him they cannot simply execute an emergency hold because he wants them to. They make it clear the children have to be in immediate danger. • Do these two Minneapolis police officers follow their own counsel and stay within the boundaries of the law? Check out the next video here: • 3. Corrupt CPS Investigator Lies and ... • I am the father of three wonderful little girls. I had just won a trial in Family Court disproving false allegations of abuse made by my daughters' mother. After the trial, she fled the state with the children. Once she returned, I picked my daughters up from school per the return to our normal parenting time schedule. She proceeded to call Child Protection Services. You won't believe what happened next. • Part 3: • 3. Corrupt CPS Investigator Lies and ... • See the full story and help rescue my daughters at www.RescueMyChild.org.