Back Pain After Working Out Watch This


Vegan Entrepreneurs Professionals - Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life: • • Back Pain After Working Out? Watch This! • You need to watch this. • Subscribe for more Gains: • • • The gym I filmed that video in: • Do you have back pain? Blame our evolution. • Back in the day we used to walk on four limbs, now we only walk on two rear limbs. • This adaptation gave use a great advantage in our survival as a species. • It made us able to better use our hands to create tools or increase our range of vision to better see potential enemies. • But it also made our spine the weak link of our whole organism. • With no muscle support, the back can only bear loads up to 5 pounds without collapsing, this was tested on dead bodies. • With well-developed torso muscles, the spine can take loads up to 2000 pounds. • That's a 400-fold increase. • There are a lot of people that already suffer from back pain and go to the gym, yet the pain can even get worse there. • There are couple of tricks and tipps how to minimize the back pain you're getting, while training in the gym. • If you're standing upright in a great posture, the load on your back is strongly minimized. • Forces from above, your S-shaped spine can handle with almost no problem. • Your spine gets challenged if you're leaning forward with no support or bending your spine. • If you lean forward, your lower back has to deal with more force than usual. • If you're training with a bended spine, you're increasing the pressure on your discs, the joints between the vertebrae, • and you're minimizing your muscle support. • These are the two movements that you have to minimize to keep your back pain free. • First of all you have to take a look at your exercise selection. • If you already suffer from back pain, it makes absolutely no sense to start with the bend over row with a barbell. • You're leaning forward and the weight that you put on your barbell even increases the load that your lower back has to deal with. • Either choose an exercise where you only train your back passively and actually relieve pressure from your spine. • Or start with an exercise where you can support your back with a pad. • Also make sure that you're putting symmetrical loads on your spine. • The shoulder press is already a pretty challenging exercise for your spine, because it compresses it. • But you can even increase the force if you're doing the dumbbell one-arm shoulder press. • Yes, it may lead to greater muscle growth because of the cross-over effect, but it is a high stress situation for your spine. • Because you're only putting pressure at one side of your body. • I either advise you to put another dumbbell in your other hand or train with a barbell. • Another fault that people do in the exercise selection is, that they only train their lower back. • This is devastating. • You have to see your body as a system. Everything is connected to everything. • If you're just training your lower back, you will put other systems of your body out of balance. • You will minimize the stability of your body and therefore increase the amount of injuries that you will be getting. • If you've chosen the right exercise, actually focus on doing them properly. • Don't squat ass to grass, especially if you don't have the right mobility to do so. • Having the right posture is absolutely key. • Don't bend in. • And fix your posture before you put weight on your spine. • This is especially crucial when you're doing the seated cable row exercise, don't pull the weight off the rack with a bended spine. • And rerack the weight with straight posture too. • Focus on doing your exercises properly. • But you're not finished when you nailed the exercise. • You also have to pay attention what you're doing after the exercise. • And this pains me the most. • Train with awareness, look at yourself in the mirror or let a friend videotape you while you're doing an exercise. • Most people don't even realize when their back is bending, they lack proprioception. • If you're training in the gym: First of all, choose the right exercises. • Don't lean forward or bend your spine if you lack the stability. • Train your back symmetrically. • If you suffer from back pain, first train your back in a passive way and only slowly try to put pressure on it. • Train your whole body, your body is a system. • Also train your body the right way, focus on the right posture. • And once you've finished the exericse, keep your awareness. • If you're reracking the weight I salute you, but do it with the correct form. • Walking on two legs gave us a big advantage as a species. • Let's appreciate this advantage and eliminate it's downsides, so we can reach our full potential. • Thank you for your time and thank you for your trust. I hope you have a great day. :-)


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