LITTLE DID YOU KNOW The Chat Show Episode 36 Ali Catterall


Journalist Ali Catterall has, as he says himself, lived his whole life with his foot on the gas. His mother’s partner convinced young Ali that he could cast black magic spells on the boy and his friends. Ali tried to telephone his biological father, who hung up on him. In 2018 Ali had a breakdown and tried to kill himself by overeating. This resulted in diabetes, and collapsing in the street, but then the realisation that he had to come to his senses. • Ali is perhaps best known for his sometimes excoriating TV reviews in The Guardian. One of his rants was re-Tweeted by Piers Morgan. But Ali has also written books including “Your Face Here” and his latest, just published, called “Kindness (A User’s Guide)”. This consists of 52 stories inspired by kindness - a counterbalance to the gloom and doom published in newspapers. • Ali edited Jane Giles’ monumental history of London’s Scala cinema. He and Jane are currently co-directing a documentary about the Scala. It’s being shot in the old cinema, now a major music venue. It's closed but scheduled to re-open later this year. Talking heads include fans of the cinema such as director Mary Harron, pundits Adam and Joe, and FrightFest programmer Alan Jones, who’s also next week’s guest on LDYK. • A chance conversation led to McG asking Ali to be his guest. In February this year Ali Tweeted “This is one of the wildest days of my life.” For 51 years he’d assumed he was an only child but in February he discovered he had two sisters. They got together and instantly bonded. In July Ali met his so-called “maker” for the first time. At the moment he can’t quite bring himself to use the word “father”… • The story continues! • Only on Patreon Ali reveals the significance in his life of Lawrence of Arabia. He also sings “O Superman” in the style of Chas Dave. And there’s news of his audition for the next series of “I Can See Your Voice.” Suddenly Jane Giles calls Ali on his mobile and we all have a threesome. • Are you a Patreon member yet? Members get exclusive content, free signed copies of McG's shocking autobiography, plus free DVDs, magazines and other goodies. More freebies will be added every month throughout 2021. Rare videos, some unseen anywhere else in the world, are added each week! Become a member:   / ldykchatshow​​​​   #LittleDidYouKnow​​​ • “Kindness (A User’s Guide)” is only £7.99 and if you’re lucky Ali will draw a very special dedication in your copy. •


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