PROSPERITY GOSPEL EXPOSED Does God Promise Health and Wealth
Please watch: The ONE Thing Every Christian Should Be Doing But Most Are NOT! • • The ONE Thing Every Christian Should ... -~- • prosperity gospel exposed Does God promise us health and wealth in the Bible? That’s our topic today on the BEAT. • Hey everyone, my name is Allen Parr. Here on the BEAT we release a new video every single Tuesday and today we are hitting on one of the most controversial topics out here, “Does God Promise us Health and Wealth?” You know the Bible says that in the last days people will flock to teachers who are preaching what their itching ears want to hear.” But today I want to give you 5 problems that I have with this prosperity gospel. • 1. Inconsistent with the Bible • a. On the contrary God promises that Christians will experience tribulation (Acts 14:22, suffering (Rom. 8:17) and even persecution (2 Tim. 3:12). • b. The Bible even references “believers who are poor.” • c. The Bible says that it’s not until heaven that God will wipe away our pain, our tears and our sorrow indicating that we can’t expect “our best life” on earth but rather in eternity. • d. Finally, as you’ve heard me say before, be careful about taking isolated verses or isolated events that happen in scripture and saying that this must be the normative experience for every believer. • 2. Switches the Focus – The biggest issue with what is called the prosperity gospel, besides the fact that it is not biblical, is that it switches the focus from what we can and should be doing for God to focusing on what God needs to do for us which puts Him in the place of some spiritual genie who only exists to make us happy. Instead of saying, “God, in whatever state I find myself, how can I bring the most glory to your name?” • 3. It sets people up for disappointment with God – If churches are telling their members that God has promised them health and wealth then what happens is when that is not their reality or the reality of their loved ones either they are told that they didn’t have enough faith to receive what God had for them or they are left to believe that God reneged on His promises; neither of which are true. • 4. Limited to the Western World – 80% of the world lives on less than $10.00 a day and many of whom are stricken with disease due to lack of clean water and very limited health care. This is not their fault. It’s just the reality they were born into. So this false teaching sends the message that these Christians who are born in 3rd world countries are somehow less spiritual and less blessed than those who have access to wealth and adequate health care. • 5. This is not consistent with the lives of Jesus and the Apostles • a. The great Apostle Paul admits to having a thorn in his flesh, which most scholars agree was a physical infirmity that limited Paul’s ministry. • b. The Bible says that Jesus was a carpenter, which was not considered an affluent career. • c. It says that he was a traveling preacher who didn’t have a place to sleep and primarily lived off of the benevolence of others. • d. Finally it says that His life was characterized by pain, sorrow and ultimately crucifixion. • e. Jesus went on to say that we, His servants, are not above our Master and if they persecuted Him we could expect the same. • So guys, I’m not in any way suggesting that God doesn’t or can’t heal us or bless us with wealth or that God wants us to be poor, broke down and sick? But what I am suggesting today is that if for whatever reason that becomes our reality God’s desire is that we glorify Him just as much as we would if we were living in perfect health and wealth. • • • Jesus said to beware of false prophets and false teachers. The Bible also says that in the last days people will gather teachers around to hear what their itching ears want to hear. In other words, there will be a mass of people flocking to preachers and teachers who say the very things they desperately want to hear. And who doesn’t want to hear that they will be healthy and wealthy? And while that sounds good what does the Bible really say? • see this video other search:: • 1. FALSE TEACHERS EXPOSED: Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel | • 2. PROSPERITY GOSPEL FULLY EXPOSED • 3. PROSPERITY GOSPEL FULLY EXPOSED • 4. Exposing The Prosperity Gospel • 5. Exposing The Prosperity Gospel