Fresh New Impression Instructions For Your Custom Mouthguard
Here are the 8 simple steps to getting a great first impression. • 1) Set your timer to 2:30 and prepare a clean surface in front of a mirror. • 2) Try on the mouthguard trays – select the one that captures all of your teeth and leaves a bit of wiggle room on the sides – your top lip should be able to come over the front of tray. • 3) IMPORTANT: Time is of the essence - Putty begins hardening as soon as you start mixing, move quickly from mixing to mouth. Mix one packet of light with one packet of dark putty until it is a uniform color with no streaking of white (30 seconds maximum) – Roll material into a short tubular (cigar) shape that is thicker in the middle • 4) Lay cigar shaped putty into tray, push material to front and sides of tray. You do not need putty on the middle of tray. Ensure that there is a peak of putty at the front of tray – Move quickly to next step... • 5) Insert tray with putty all the way into your mouth and make sure top lip is over front of tray – bring top teeth down into center of the peak of putty and bite, bite, bite until you reach the natural stopping point – putty will “gush” up into your top lip – a deep impression is a good impression • IMPORTANT – once your teeth have come to the natural stopping point do not move it for 2 minutes and 30 seconds • 6) Once 2 minutes and 30 seconds has elapsed, gently rock (with up and down motion) the tray loose from your teeth – rinse in cold water. • 7) OPTIONAL – Take a picture of your impression from the rear molars looking into the impression so we can see the depth of it. • Email your picture to [email protected]. • We will review and let you know if your impression is good. • 8) Once satisfied with completed impression please place it and all unused materials back into bag provided. • Return bag to box your Fit Kit came in. • Seal box with return label provided (USA ORDERS ONLY). • Drop in any USPS - United States Postal Service Box - postage is paid so there is no need to take to counter. • Upon receipt we will email you to let you know it arrived and we will get right to work on crafting your guard. • Thanks for allowing Impact to protect you!