15 Giant Prehistoric Animals That Werent Dinosaurs

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From huge birds,to a prehistoric Loch Ness Monster These are 15 Giant Prehistoric Animals That Weren't Dinosaurs • Subscribe to Epic Wildlife http://goo.gl/6rzs5u • Let's Connect • -- http://www.epicadamwildlife.com/ • --   / epicadamwildlife   • --   / epicwildlife   • -- http://gplus.to/epicwildlife • Arthropleura (arthra-ploo-ra)-- This was an ancestor to millipedes and centipedes, and could grow up to 8 feet long … although some sources claim it could grow even longer. Contrast that size to a modern day centipedes which go around 10 inches long. They could also measure several feet wide, which would make for a scary sight to say the least. Because of its massive size, it’s thought the creature had few predators, despite it being an invertebrate … it is in fact, the largest invertebrate species ever uncovered -- by a wide margin. Arthropleura looked like it could be a predator itself, but it was actually a herbivorous arthropod. And fossilized evidence indicates it could move pretty fast across the forest floor, swerving to avoid rocks and trees. It lived around 300 million years ago throughout present day North America and Scotland. • Meganeura (mega-noor-uh) • Best described as a giant dragonfly, these creatures existed around 300 million years ago are are related to the present day insects. Did you know they could be the size of birds? Their fossils were initially found in France in 1880, and have since been found in England. One genus (JEE-nus) is thought to have been the largest insect that ever lived … with a length around 17 inches and a wingspan exceeding 2 feet. Can you imagine a dragonfly feeding on prey as big as squirrels or frogs? Experts say that this creature did just that! • Monster Sea Scorpion • Fossils of Jaekelopterus (jay-kel-OP-ter-us) indicate the creature lived around 390 million years ago. Measuring over 8 feet, a single pincer was more than 18 inches long. No wonder that J.rhenaniae (reh-NAY-nee) is thought to be the largest known arthropod yet discovered. Their size makes them larger that eurypterids (yoo-RIP-tuh-rids) … a group that is related to the scorpions and land spiders of today. Today, the coconut crab and Japanese spider crab are among the largest living arthropods in the world. • Haast’s Eagle • This is the largest species of eagle that was ever known to exist … and the females were significantly larger than the males. They could weigh up to 36 pounds, with a wingspan approaching 10 feet ...And were found on the South Island of New Zealand, where the birds are commonly accepted as part of Maori (MAO-ree) legend. The eagles preyed on large flightless bird species, including the Moa, which was 15 times its weight … Striking at speeds up to 50 mph. When human hunters arrived in New Zealand, they also preyed on the large flightless birds there. Haast’s Eagle became extinct about 1,400 years ago after its natural food source disappeared. • Megalodon is the legendary prehistoric shark that measured up to 60 feet long and weighed around 65 tons … but some estimates put those numbers even higher. Did you know scientists have calculated the ancient predator could have exerted a bite force of more than 18 tons! • Titanoboa -- Fossils of this creature were found in Colombia … and indicate the creature would have measured over 40 feet long and weighed around 2,500 pounds. They would have been found slithering about some 60 million years ago. • Mosasaurus (moe-suh-SORE-us) • Like plesiosaurs, these were marine reptiles, not technically dinosaurs. But going nearly 60 feet long, this was thought to be about the biggest of the lot. Experts say that the carnivorous critter resembled an immense crocodile … and would have been one of the deadliest creatures alive during the Cretaceous Period. Mosasaurs are closely related to lizards of today, like the Komodo Dragon. The creatures were believed to chase down prey by using their powerful, shark-like tails. And they were evidently well-traveled animals as well. Their fossils have been found on every continent, including Antarctica. You might recall this creature being the breakout star of “Jurassic World” in 2015 … although some experts said too many liberties were taken with the animal’s portrayal.


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