Bidco Africa launches Planet Tangawizi
We can only be competitive if we facilitate our local investors and our industries to grow and produce for that market as well as to ensure that we have ease in cross border trade. Our role as Government is to create an enabling environment for investors by listening to their needs and challenges then identifying the relevant areas of support; what BIDCO has done today (June 8, 2021) is a mark of confidence in our economy - Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS), Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and Enterprise Development, Hon. David Osiany. • • Planet Tangawizi is an additional brand in the Planet range of beverages already available in Kenyan market namely Planet Orange and Planet Mixed Berries plus Planet Aqua water available for wholesome family refreshing consumption. • PlanetSoda #PlanetTangawizi #DavidOsiany #KEBS #BidcoAfrica #NewProductLaunch