>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=AQVU9aYl508
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE • NYAMBARIA SCHOOL again comes to you as REDEEMED CHOIR where Young boys take time to praise God in singing. • The choir started back in 2014 and has managed to produce four albums which are ;AMANI, KWA SIKU SITA , SAUTI ZA VIUMBE and MUNGU WETU NI WA REHEMA[ which will be out soon] respectively and is on a progress to volume five under the leadership of Toms Mose. • The school adminstration under the chief principal Boaz Owino Deputy Onesmus Onguti and the chaplaincy under Pr. Mayaba Mannasseh and Elder Ogega Kefah has been supportive to ensure that the choir aims are met. • We aim at nurturing our members spiritually mentally and socially from form one to form four and even as we usher them into the world at large. • Kindly support us by subscribing and sharing our channel all over. Welcome • God bless@jangomtallkenya • The choir is looking forward to support and nature the the students who join Nyambaria boys as from form 1 to 4.. • #NYAMBARIABOYSREDEEMEDCHOIR • +254702645455