Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana Hatha Yoga Institute
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=AQYDbDxyVuE
Utthita hasta padangusthasana used to strengthens the legs, ankles and the muscles around the knees, deeply stretches the hamstrings or the back thigh muscles, calves and hips and opens the hips, shoulders and arms. • We conduct Yoga Classes, Yoga Instructor Courses, Yoga Workshops and Yoga Retreats. We are a team of experienced and quality Yoga teachers with many years of experience. • In case you want to know more about us or join us please contact on the below details. • Mobile: +91 9990444233 • Email: [email protected] • Website: https://hathayogainstitute.com • #yoga #yogalife #yogainspiration #yogateach #yogapractice #yogafit #yogagram #yogalifestyle #hathayogainstitute