Mushihimesama Double Arrange Album
Download: / • Album Title: Mushihimesama Double Arrange Album (虫姫さまダブルアレンジアルバム) • Authors: Manabu Namiki, Masaharu Iwata, Kimihiro Abe • Arrangers: Kenichiro Fukui, Yasuhisa Watanabe, Wasi303, Ryu Takami, Shinji Hosoe, Keiichi Okabe, Yasuhito Saito, Satoru Kosaki, Keigo Hoashi, Michiko Naruke, Aniki Koji Hayama, Yousuke Yasui, Dr.COVA, Noriyuki Iwadare, Yasuhiko Fukuda, Denji Sano, Ryu Umemoto, Yoko Shimomura, Motoi Sakuraba, TECHNOuchi, Kota Hoshino, Ayako Saso, Akari Kaida, Kazuhiro Nakamura, Motoyoshi Iwasaki • Performers: Kakeru Ishihama, Yuka Yamagishi, Akari Kaida • Track List: Mushihimesama • 0:00 1. The Princess, Age 15 (姫さま15歳) [Kenichiro Fukui] • 4:40 2. To Shinju Forest (シンジュが森へ) [Yasuhisa Watanabe] • 9:04 3. Levi-Sense (レヴィ=センス) [Wasi303] • 14:21 4. Enough About That! (そんなことより!) [Ryu Takami] • 17:53 5. Furthermore, Cross the Desert too (更に砂漠も越えて) [Shinji Hosoe] • 23:00 6. Walking on the Land of Flame (炎の大地を歩く) [Keiichi Okabe (Guitar: Kakeru Ishihama)] • 27:15 7. Like a Night of Falling Stars (流星の夜に似た) [Yasuhito Saito] • 32:12 8. The Direction to the Heart of the Forest (森のずっと奥の方) [Satoru Kousaki Keigo Hoashi] • 36:30 9. Is This How You Are? (あなたがそうなの?) [Michiko Naruke] • 40:06 10. The Requiem of the Sky (鎮魂の空) [Koji Hayama] • 43:53 11. Starfall Village (ホシフリの里) [Yousuke Yasui] • 48:07 12. I Have Something to Ask You (きみに頼みたいんだ) [Dr.COVA] • Mushihimesama Futari • 53:32 1. The Prince, Age 9 (王子さま9歳) [Noriyuki Iwadare] • 57:50 2. Setting Off Together (旅立ちのふたり) [Yasuhiko Fukuda (Scat: Yuka Yamagishi)] • 1:02:08 3. Beastial Beat (獣たる鼓動) [Denji Sano] • 1:06:12 4. We Did It! (やったぁ!) [Ryu Umemoto] • 1:10:07 5. Sea of Frozen Crystals (凍える水晶の森) [Yoko Shimomura] • 1:14:48 6. Shinju Forest Rebel Army? (シンジュが森の反乱軍?) [Motoi Sakuraba] • 1:19:46 7. The Black Shell Beast King (漆黒の甲獣王) [TECHNOuchi] • 1:25:17 8. On the Verge of Madness (狂おしいほどに) [Kota Hoshino] • 1:29:51 9. Cry! Scream!! (泣け!わめけ!!) [Ayako Saso] • 1:34:26 10. Sky of Fragrant Souls (香魂の空) [Akari Kaida (Vocal: Akari Kaida)] • 1:39:08 11. I Want to Protect You (守ってあげたい) [Kazuhiro Nakamura] • 1:43:50 12. Invisible Warmth (見えない暖かいもの) [Motoyoshi Iwasaki] • Game Info/Download: