Surfing Which Wetsuit Should You Buy amp Use
Surfing wetsuits - the blissful relationship spanning almost 7 decades now - isn't it beautiful. • Nowadays though, you'd be forgiven for falling into a pit of confusion and inaction thanks to the huge amount of manufacturer's now offering wetsuits off the shelves. Which one should you go for? How do you know if it's the right size? Which wetsuit is appropriate for which temperatures? • These are all important questions to ask and in this video we cover them! • This video is brought to you by Adelio Wetsuits - we seriously love their gear! You can get your own suit from Adelio at 10% off just by entering the discount code HOWTORIP • just go to this link and put HOWTORIP in the coupon code section at checkout! By doing so you're also supporting the channel - we're forever grateful! • Edited by Kale for How To Rip. • • KALE'S INSTAGRAM - • GUT HEALTH PRODUCTS -