Seachem Stressguard Vertical Sideways Floating Fish Swim Bladder
Know how to treat a fish that's laying sideways or vertical in an aquarium. Is the fish floating upside down? Sideways laying fish? Fish floating on its side, but alive. Why is my fish swimming on its side. • This is usually due to osmotic stock from a new arrival from the pet store. A real good first go to is SeaChem Stressguard. This product will help the Swim bladder struggling with osmoregulation issues. • Make sure to check parameters at the pet store and your own parameters. • Seachem Stressguard resource: • Discontinued from our distributor. • Another Recommendation: • https://www.americanaquariumproducts.... • More to how this product works as per Aquarium Redox: • https://www.americanaquariumproducts.... • As well as which water conditioner to use: •