Deploying the Cloudbuster
This device sucks the disorganized life force energy, what Wilhelm Reich called DOR, for deadly life force energy, and the propulsive energy of the spray disks (which cloak themselves to look like planes) down and converts it into life force energy (harmonious) and shoots that back up into the atmosphere,totally screwing up their operation. I've seen planes actually convert to disk craft and abruptly disappear into a clear sky when flying overhead. Don Croft at developed this orgonite based cloudbuster as a safer alternative to the powerful and dangerous cloudbuster of Wilhelm Reich which he used extensively in Maine and the American Southwest. Those will force a disc craft to ground, can be used to trigger or stop rainstorms, and can paralyze you if you touch it when running. See Selected Writings by Wilhelm Reich, The Cosmic Pulse of Life by Trevor James Constable , and writings by James DiMeo (to be taken with a grain of salt IMO.)Here's a link into the yahoo cloudbusters group. The pipes are sunk into a base of orgonite poured into a two gallon bucket. may have some instructions for making orgonite itself. • Here's the link to the follow up, shot a half hour later: • Cloudbuster Deployment Follow Up • If you look around, you can probably buy one online. Sensei Dennis used to sell them, in the pacific Northwest somewhere. Here's the yahoo link: Look through the files, and you may learn a great deal. It's always better to make your own. Avoid anything to do with agnihotra ash. • How to Make an Orgonite Orgone CloudB... • How to Make an Orgonite Orgone Cloud ...