Unlocking Efficiency Tackling Production Challenges with Simulation and Offline Programming OLP
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Visual Components' industry experts, Mikael Saksi and Jyri Luhtio, share insights on how manufacturing production teams can optimize production output with factory simulation and robot offline programming (OLP). • Chapters: • 00:00:00 - Introduction and Overview of Visual Components • 00:02:26 - Presenter Introduction and Agenda • 00:05:13 - What is the estimated industrial robotics market value by 2032? • 00:06:35 - Common Challenges In Production Management • 00:11:18 - What is factory simulation? • 00:13:45 - What is robot offline programming (OLP)? • 00:15:44 - How can factory simulation and OLP help take manufacturing projects from concept to reality? • 00:18:30 - How can simulation and OLP improve production output? • 00:22:56 - Case Study - Simulation - Güdel Delivering Just-in-time and Just-in-sequence https://www.visualcomponents.com/reso... • 00:25:44 - Case Study - Simulation - Pharmaceutical Company Testing What-if Scenarios in a Risk-free Environment • 00:28:27 - Case Study - Simulation and OLP - Fronius Maximizing Customer Intimacy and Minimizing Risk in Solution Delivery • 00:32:48 - Case Study - OLP - Ponsse Driving Forest Machine Innovation and Improving Productivity https://www.visualcomponents.com/reso... • 00:37:58 - Summary • 00:39:47 - Q A - Does OLP require Python knowledge? • 00:40:40 - Q A - Can we use simulation to import models from Creo? • 00:41:29 - Q A - What is the difference between Visual Components Robotics OLP 4.8 and Visual Components Premium 4.8? • 00:42:18 - Q A - How do you ensure fidelity for factory simulations? Is there any way to incorporate a LiDAR scan or point cloud for validation? • 00:43:34 - Q A - Does Visual Components support virtual commissioning? • 00:44:20 - Q A - Do you have plans to make statistics exportable for further pure data analysis (without Python modifications)? • 00:45:00 - Q A - How will AI affect programming and simulation in the future? • 00:45:45 - Q A - Does Visual Components support scripting (in Python, for example)? • 00:46:21 - Q A - Can I combine a laser cutter machine, bending machine, tube laser machine and welding cells in one layout? • 00:46:51 - Q A - Can I calculate the load sharing of the servo motor with this software? • 00:47:46 - Q A - Can I connect Visual Components with Process Simulate? • 00:48:41 - Q A - Is coding required to create real-world scenarios? • 00:49:19 - Q A - What other robot brands besides KUKA are supported for programming directly from Visual Components 4.8? • 00:50:22 - Q A - Can Visual Components software be used to help schedule tasks in a manufacturing environment? • 00:50:59 - Q A - Could I know the saturation of a worker, not only for the distance traveled, but also for the amount of part loaded in a given time? • 00:51:37 - Q A - Can the manufacturing admin limit certain users, like the Product Design team, from generating production reports or accessing real-time production rates in the simulation software? • 00:52:37 - Q A - Can I program the logic with a PLC if I model a layout using PM Flow components? • Read more case studies here: https://www.visualcomponents.com/reso...