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>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ - Gunsmithing Library with 21,583 Printable Gun Manuals, Schematics, Blueprints Antique Gun Catalogs + Searchable Guns Ammo Reference Guide + Gun Values (like Blue Book) • Truglo MICRO•TAC TACTICAL MICRO LASER for pistols • • Firearms Guide 12th Edition is the world largest research able firearms, air guns ammunition reference guide, gun values guide and gun schematics, blueprints manuals library. Published since 2009 for industry professionals and enthusiasts, with its 14 search criteria it enables fast, complex searches of 80,000 antique and modern guns and side by side comparisons of search results. Guns are cross-referenced with the ammunition database with ballistics. Guns and ammo are presented with prices, tech-specifications, features, gun values, ballistic and up to 12 high-resolution zoom able color pictures (up to 4000 x 1240) for precise firearms identification. • GUN VALUES for modern and antique guns (based off of the 100% - 30% condition ratings) are provided for professionals in the gun trade and for gun collectors. Now you can 24/7 quickly and precisely estimate values of all guns in your collection, from your home, shop, office or gun show. • 18,5000 GUN SCHEMATICS, BLUEPRINTS, CATALOGS MANUALS with parts lists for professional gunsmiths are provided. We have original blueprints for AK-47, 1911, AR-15, Luger, M1 Garand, M14, MP44, STG44, P38, etc. We have Armorers Manuals for SIG, H K, Glock, FN, IWI, Blaser, RSAF, Webley, Vickers, etc. Zoom in to see the smallest gun parts on diagrams or exploded views, parts dimensions on blueprints, read manuals and print out as many as you like. • Firearms Guide constantly adding more and more antique gun catalogs from 1880's to 2021. • Firearms Guide is crucial help in everyday work of professional gunsmiths or gun enthusiasts who are confident enough to take apart their guns, fix them and assemble them again. With Firearms Guide you can zoom in gun schematics on your screen to see smallest gun parts, you can find parts numbers or you can print out any gun schematic or blueprint. • Gunsmiths can also find armorer's manuals with step by step instructions how to fix any problem that may occurs with that gun. We also have military maintenance manuals and Army Armorers Manuals. • If you need to build gun part or part by part entire guns we have complete gun blueprints for you at: • Some of the manufacturers that presenting are: • Anschutz, AMT, Arisaka, Arizmendi Goenaga, Arizmendi Francisco, Arrizabalaga, Arsenal, Astra Arms, Astra-Unceta, B. Searcy, Barrett, Bayard, Becker Hollander, Benelli, Benjamin, Beretta, Bergara, Bernardelli, Bersa, Blaser, Browning, Budischowsky, Bushmaster, Caracal, Carcano, CETME, Charles Daly, Chiappa, Clayco, Cobray, CZ, Darne, Dreyse, Drulov, DWM, Echasa, Eddystone, EMF, Enfield, Erma Werke, FEG, FIE, Fiocchi, FN, FNH, Glenfield, Glisenti, Glock, Grendel, Grulla, Guerini, Gustloff, H K, H R 1871, HAFDASA, Heckler Koch, Henry, Heym, High Standard, Hi-Point, Holland, Hotchkiss, Howa, Huglu, Husqvarna, IMBEL, IMI, Ingram, Inland, Intratec, Irwindale Arms, Jarmann, Kahr, Kalashnikov, Kassnar, Kel-Tec, Kimber, Kongsberg, Korriphila, Korth, KRICO, Krieghoff , Krnka, Kropatschek, Lanber, Laurona, Lefaucheux, Lignose, Lithgow, Llama, Luger, LWRC, Madsen, Magnum Research, Manroy, Manufrance, Manurhin, Marocchi, Mauser, Maxim, Mendoza, Merkel, Merrill, Miroku, Mossberg, Musgrave, Nagant, Nambu, Norica, Norinco, Nosler, Orbea Hermanos, Ortgies, OWA, OWG, Parker, Perazzi, Pieper, Pietta, Providence Tool, Reck, Remington, Reunies, Rheinmetall, Rizzini, Rock Island, Rossi, Ruby, Ruger, Sabatti, SAGEM, Savage Arms, Schmeisser, Sears, SIG, Sig Sauer, SKB, Smith Wesson, Sphinx, Spreewerk, Springfield, Star Bonifacio, Stevens, Stoeger Taurus, Tanfoglio, Thalmann, Thompson, Tikka, Tristar, Tula Arms, Uberti, Vickers, Voere, Walther, Weatherby, Webley, Winchester, Zbrojovka, Slavia, SCCY, Sabre, RWS, RPA, Rock River Arms, Robar, Rigarmi, Quackenbush, Precision Liegoise, Piotti, Peters Stahl, Perugini, Pardini, PARA, Otis Smith , Otoman, Oviedo, Numrich Arms, Oberland Arms, Ohio Ordnance Works, Nemesis Arms, Nesika, Neumann, Neumann Freres, New Haven, New Ultra Light Arms, NightHawk Custom, Norconia, Nordenfelt Guns Ammo Co., Nordic Components, Metro Arms Corporation, Meyers, MG Industries, Michigan Armament, Micor Defense, Midland Arms Company, Midland Rifle Company, MIL Inc., Milbro, Military Armament Corporation,


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