Breathe Pink Floyd Guitar Lesson
👉Discover the 5 MUST-KNOW chords and scales to play in ANY style anywhere on the neck FREE PDF GUIDE → • Today I want to share with you a song from the 4th best-selling album of all time. In this “Breathe” Pink Floyd guitar lesson we’ll unpack beautiful lush-sounding chords, how to get a David Gilmour type of guitar tone, arpeggio picking, and even some cool fills you can use to add a splash of lead guitar style to your rhythm playing. • So get all tuned up, and let’s get started! • Breathe Guitar Tone • The guitar tone on “Breathe” is a result of several factors. Here are a few pointers worth mentioning. • Guitars: Gilmour often uses Fender Stratocaster guitars, which has become a signature part of his sound. His preferred Stratocaster during the recording of The Dark Side of the Moon was a 1969 Black Fender Stratocaster with a maple neck. • Amplifiers: Gilmour's amplifiers were a crucial element of his tone. During this period, he used a Hiwatt DR103 100-watt head and a WEM (Watkins Electric Music) Custom 4x12 speaker cabinet. The Hiwatt's clean and full sound paired well with his Stratocaster, and gave him a solid foundation for building his tones. • Effects: Gilmour made extensive use of effects pedals to craft his unique sound. While the exact combination of pedals for Breathe is not definitively known, some of the staple effects he used included: • Uni-Vibe: An effect that simulates the sound of a rotating speaker, creating a swirling modulation that became a staple in Gilmour's sound. • Delay and Reverb: Gilmour employed various delay and reverb effects to create spacious and atmospheric sounds. • It's important to note that Gilmour's guitar tone is not just the result of specific gear but also his creative approach to music and playing. His sense of melody and emotional expression, combined with the equipment and effects he used, helped him achieve the legendary guitar tone heard on Breathe and many other Pink Floyd classics. • Breathe Guitar Chords • To play “Breathe” you’ll need to know 8 chords total, Em9, A, Cmaj7, Bm7, Fmaj7, G, D7#9, and Ebdim. • Let’s take a look at these chord shapes first. • 👉Check out the FULL lesson here: • 👉Discover the 5 MUST-KNOW chords and scales to play in ANY style anywhere on the neck FREE PDF GUIDE →