Line 1 Explosive Win💘French Def La Bourdonnais M6
I was hungry for Chess this evening. Still am. I say so because you play better Chess when you are hungry for it. Magnus Carlsen will always be hungry for Chess. It's just too much fun and too good for the brain's logic creativity for him to ever stop. I think Chess is a gift from heaven for this reason. Per this game, I just felt like going down and mating him. He actually resigned on after my Move 19.f7+ (+ = Check, for newbies). So he saw the Mate in 6 (if 19..Ke7) and resigned, but also because on Kd8 he's going to lose because 20.f7xNg8=Q, so 20..RxQ is forced, but 21.Nf6 Forks Qd5 Rg8, with #interference keeping BQ from at least Capturing Back against the Ng8. I did a game this week already where I combined Interference Attraction, so this combines those two together here, but albeit in a slightly different way, but the same two tactics. How do I manage to bring that about? he he. Good question that maybe I'll answer some day. Could be and probably I'm just lucky.😎✔🔸© • I qualify this as a Queen Trap not because the BQ gets captured, but because she allowed me to Trap her into me helping me win her Rook on g8. It's all her fault. A queen trap can be not just that she is lost, but that it causes loss because of her need to escape. It is definitely a trap Black fell into, or that I implemented against him, which involved threatening his queen that stumbled onto or was coaxed onto the wrong square. Could happen by mistake or by insight, you know. • Much verbiage. Hope you find this La Bourdonnais enjoyable.