How to play the Rosanna Half Time Shuffle 5 Steps Program Walkthrough
00:00 - Video Intro • 00:10 - What are Shuffles and 8th note Triplets • 03:19 - Shuffles on the Hi-hat (Walkthrough) • 05:23 - Playing the ghost notes • 06:15 - Shuffles on the Hi-Hat w/ ghost notes (Walkthrough) • 08:13 - What is the Bo Diddley beat • 08:54 - Shuffles on the Hi-Hat w/ the Bo Diddley Beat on the foot • 10:57 - Shuffles on the Hi Hat w/ ghost notes and the Bo Diddley beat on the foot • 13:09 - Playing the accented snare on 3rd count • 14:08 - Putting everything together!!! • 16:18 - Outro • • I have been receiving a questions regarding the #Rosanna Half Time Shuffle by the band #toto So I made this video to answer them. I hope this video would in one way or another help you on your journey in playing one of the greatest drum grooves ever created by the late #JeffPorcaro. • Mapex Drums, TRX Cymbals, Audio-Technica, FATfreq, Vater Drumsticks, Skygel, Cympad.