Android Game Development Create Your First Mobile Game Updated
Get the complete Android Game Development - Create Your First Mobile Game course (with source code) for a Minimum 80% OFF HERE • Pay one-time and access for Lifetime! • Hurry! Limited time offer. Launch Your First Android Game with this TOP course today. • Important Update: Must read before you proceed! • In this course, I used Android Studio version 3.1.4 which was the latest version when I created this course. The current version is 3.4.1 released in May 2019. • There are some minor actions you need to take only in two lectures related to designing the XML Layout, if you're using the latest version of Android Studio, to follow along with the course. Details inside the course. The rest of the code, including Java, works just fine as before. • I've included all the necessary changes step-by-step. Read the detailed discussion here: • Hi, do you want to learn how to build Android Games in Java? • My name is Sandip. I have published more than 10 android games on Google Play. So, I happen to know a little bit about game programming and I’ll show you exactly how to create this Flappy Bird game using Android Studio and Java. Not only that, but this course also shows you how to monetize your app with Google AdMob through Banner and Interstitial ads so that you can start getting some revenue. • We have a lot to cover. So, let’s get started. • Here is a brief definition of each of the classes I've used in the project. • AppConstants: To initialize game objects e.g bitmapBank, gameEngine, soundBank. This class also sets game constants e.g gravity, VELOCITY_WHEN_JUMPED, etc. • BackgroundImage: Used to manage BackgroundImage object. • Bird: Used to manage Bird object. • Tube: Used to manage Tube object. • BitmapBank: Responsible for instantiating Bitmap objects, scaling the background, and getting the objects. • SoundBank: Responsible for instantiating MediaPlayer objects and playing the sounds. • GameActivity: Extends Activity. Instantiates GameView object and sets the view with that. • GameEngine: This is the most useful class in the whole project. The magic goes here. This class initializes various game objects like Bird, an ArrayList of Tube, etc. This class also defines various methods to update and draw Tubes, BackgroundImage, Bird, etc. • GameOver: Extends AppCompatActivity. Used to display the score, Restart or Exit. • GameThread: Extends Thread. Instantiates SurfaceHolder object. Inside the run method, till the isRunning boolean variable is true, it continuously locks the canvas, calls updateAndDraw() methods, and then calls unlockCanvasAndPost() method to finish editing pixels in the surface. SurfaceHolder is a public Interface. • GameView: Extends SurfaceView, implements SurfaceHolder.Callback public static interface. From the constructor, instantiates SurfaceHolder and GameThread object. From the surfaceCreated() overridden method we start the thread, from surfaceDestroyed() method we destroy it. It also detects the touch event and sets Bird velocity when touched. • MainActivity: Extends AppCompatActivity. Calls AppConstants.initialization() static method. Starts GameActivity when the Play button is tapped. • I hope that helps! • | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | • Sandip Bhattacharya • Software Developer | Teacher | YouTuber | Online Course Creator • → My Website: • → YouTube: • → Udemy: • → Skillshare: • → Google Play: • → Facebook Page: • → Facebook Group: • → LinkedIn: • → LinkedIn Group: • → Twitter: • → Quora: • → GitHub: • → Instagram: • Thanks for watching! ❤ • If you liked this video, make sure to subscribe for more!