Roblox YouTuber KonekoKitten Exposed


Roblox YouTuber KonekoKitten Exposed (Lies, Degeneracy Illegality) • After consistent lies and deceit, massive Roblox YouTuber KonekoKitten has been called out by Minecraft Wholesome Furry YouTuber Narpy, for multiple lies, half truths, inconsistencies, and how KonekoKitten engaged in ERPS with him when Narpy was 17, and KonekoKitten was 20, Koneko also solicited images from him. This video acts a part 2, to the KonekoKitten Narpy Situation and Drama in which transpired in the roblox community back in early January 2021 (Jan 6th) and was picked up by people such as Keemstar. KonekoKitten has lied about YouTubers such as Corl and Narpy, and it's now time to shine light on this situation. KonekoKitten ADMITS Narpy's video is 100% TRUE. thumbnail editor, sub to him if you want; • PLEASE Like and Share this video so more people can be made aware of the situation! Everyone in the ROBLOX community need to be made aware. Sorry Narpy that you had to experience this. And Koneko, you cannot undo the past, but please continue to improve yourself. • Narpy; •    / @narpy   • My Side of Everything; •    • My Side of Everything   • KonekoKitten Narpy 2021 Drama; •    • KonekoKitten   Narpy SITUATION *EXPLA...   • Narpy's Google Drive; • KonekoKitten's False Doc on Narpy (reupload); • #roblox #drama #konekokitten #narpy • DISCORD;   / discord   • twitters;   / parloyt   •   / gamingparl480   • ▶️Make You Guys Sure to Drop a LIKE, SUBSCRIBE to My YouTube Channel, and DON'T Forget to Hit The Bell Button and Turn On The Notification to Not Miss Anything. Thank you for Supporting! 👍============================================================ • 👥▶JOIN MY ROBLOX FAN GROUP: • 🕊▶FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER:   / parloyt   • 💬▶JOIN MY DISCORD SERVER:   / discord   • ============================================================ • What is ROBLOX? ROBLOX is an online virtual playground and workshop — where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that practically everything in this infinite playground is designed and constructed by individual members of the ROBLOX community. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore ROBLOX — interacting with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything desired — be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yet-to-be-dreamed-up object or activity. By participating and by building cool stuff, ROBLOX members can earn specialty badges as well as ROBLOX dollars (“ROBUX”). In turn, they can shop the online catalog to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interactive components, and working mechanism • ============================================================= • 0:00 - Intro Rundown/Context • 0:39 - KonekoKitten Slandered Narpy • 2:03 - KonekoKitten Lied about the Relationship • 2:25 - KonekoKitten Narpy's Messages • 6:20 - Koneko lied about his Solicitation / Deleting Evidence • 7:19 - KonekoKitten's Illegal Actions • 9:59 - Narpy Debunks KonekoKitten • 11:29 - Disclaimer • 11:45 - Narpy Debunks KonekoKitten Part 2 • 12:52 - KonekoKitten Miskeeping/Naku Situation • 13:22 - KonekoKitten dated a 16yr old • 13:55 - Narpy Debunks KonekoKitten Part 3 • 14:44 - KonekoKitten Dodging Accountability Lies • 17:15 - Narpy's Faults • 17:28 - Closing Statements • 18:18 - KonekoKitten Lied about Corl • 19:01 - Conclusion • 20:17 - Outro


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