Tackling School Bullying bullying bullyingatschool schoolife

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Understanding Bullying in Schools: Why It Happens According to Theories and What We See in Schools • Let's talk about why bullying happens. We'll look at two things: • fancy theories from psychology and what we actually see in schools. • Psychology Theories on Bullying • Psychoanalytic Theory • Key Idea: • Sometimes, personal problems make people act in a certain way. • How It Fits: • Bullying might happen because of unresolved personal problems. • Example: • If someone is going through a tough time at home, they might take it out on others at school. • Resolution: • Providing counseling and support for students facing personal challenges. • Attachment Theory • Big Idea: Our early friendships shape how we act later on. • How It Fits: If someone struggled with friendships when they were little, they might bully others later on. • Example: A student who had trouble making friends might bully others to feel more in control. • Resolution: Implementing social skills programs and encouraging positive friendships. • *Social Identity Theory* • Big Idea: People like being part of groups. • How It Fits: Bullying might be a way to feel strong and connected with a group. • Example: A student bullies others to fit in with a popular group and gain a sense of belonging. • Resolution: Fostering an inclusive school culture that values diversity. • *Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis* • Big Idea: When we're upset, we might act out. • How It Fits: Bullies might be taking out their frustrations on others. • Example: A student facing personal challenges might express their frustration by bullying classmates. • Resolution: Teaching healthy coping mechanisms to manage frustration. • *Social Exchange Theory* • Big Idea: We think about what we get from our actions. • How It Fits: Bullies might think being mean gives them more good things than bad things. • Example: A student bullies to feel powerful, thinking it brings them more benefits than consequences. • Resolution: Highlighting the negative consequences of bullying and promoting positive behavior. • *Cognitive Dissonance Theory* • Big Idea: We feel weird when our actions don't match our thoughts. • How It Fits: Bullies might tell themselves it's okay to be mean so they don't feel weird. • Example: A student bullies others but convinces themselves it's justified to avoid feeling guilty. • Resolution: Encouraging self-reflection and promoting positive behavior to align with values. • --- • #school #bullying #bullyingatschool #schoolife #schoolmemes #stopbullying #verbalbullying • #how #howto #waystopreventbullying • #whatisbullying #types #typesofbullying #rigging #prank #selfhelp #selfhealing


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