Guillermo Garcia GonzalesRafael Vaganian Hastings 1974 Result 01


Welcome to the biggest Chess Library on Youtube! • This is a game between Guillermo Garcia Gonzales with the White pieces and Rafael A Vaganian with Black. • The game was played in 1974, in occasion of the Hastings 1974 event. Round: 6 • The variation played is: English Opening, Four knights system with ECO code A28. • The game lasted 42 moves and ended with a victory for Black, Rafael A Vaganian. • Here is the transcription of the moves: • 1. c4 Nf6 2. Nc3 e5 3. Nf3 Nc6 4. e3 Bb4 5. d4 exd4 6. Nxd4 O-O 7. Be2 Ne4 8. Qc2 Re8 9. O-O Nxc3 10. bxc3 Bc5 11. Rd1 Qf6 12. Nb5 Qd8 13. Ba3 Bxa3 14. Nxa3 Qe7 15. Nb5 d6 16. Rab1 Ne5 17. h3 b6 18. Qe4 Rb8 19. Qf4 Bb7 20. Rb2 Ng6 21. Qg3 a6 22. Nd4 Qf6 23. Bf1 Re5 24. Nf3 Rf5 25. Nd4 Rg5 26. Qh2 Re5 27. Ne2 Rbe8 28. Rd4 Rc5 29. Nf4 Nxf4 30. Qxf4 Qxf4 31. Rxf4 Re4 32. Rxe4 Bxe4 33. f3 Bf5 34. Kf2 Be6 35. Ke1 Bxc4 36. Bxc4 Rxc4 37. Kd2 Kf8 38. Kd3 b5 39. e4 Ke7 40. Re2 Ra4 41. Rc2 Ke6 42. Ke3 Ra3 0-1 • Thanks for watching! • • The music in the video is courtesy of Jon Sayles


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