Oedipus Complex Freuds First 5 Lectures on Psychoanalysis Part II
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http://donovanbigelow.com • We will be covering the material from the first 5 lectures on psychoanalysis by Freud. • There can be no doubt that the Oedipus complex may be looked upon as one of the most important sources of the sense of guilt by which neurotics are so often tormented. • Freud is saying because he sees it in his patients. It is a clinical fax to him, but simultaneous with all this, hostile antagonistic conflict and this desire is it is in both boys and girls a simultaneous ambivalence that we can hate our father and wish him dead, but we also love him, and also meet him to protect us. Same thing with the mother we may if were female desire the father and see the mother as they hated competition and yet we need the mother love the mother that those two things, sit side-by-side Freud sees it as ambivalence that does not mean and what he is suggesting is ambivalence is okay. It does not have to be resolved hate does not mean you have to act it out. It means. It sits here as a normal function in us in a human's mind we get to love and we get to hate. • A child’s psychosexual development begins and their ability to learn is in the parental response to their early curiosity about sexuality and the body. Their first curiosity is a sexual curiosity. They want to know stuff, they want see about the mother's body. Babies will look and put their mouths on things and grasp and hold. • Very young children are very often trying to figure out the early embodied components of their psychosexual development. The parents reaction to the child's sexualized explorations will have a profound determinative effect on their ability to academically intellectually cognitively learn anything later. • The result of sexual curiosity sometimes results in punishment of the child by the mother or father. The child equates parental punishment with parental abandonment and parental rejection with their first initial exercises and curious exploration around sexuality. • The child will associate learning with punishment and anxiety. Subsequently we are setting up a learning disorder. Every learning opportunity results in that that kind of parental abandonment or parental punishment. There is a direct correlation here between the psychosexual development that will be part of the Oedipal resolution process and subsequent ability to learn anything at all. • The parental's response is the the setting up of learning disabilities effectively, but in addition making more complicated the adolescence push toward autonomy. Our failure as a culture to provide an atmosphere of appropriate Oedipal development also appears to be an explanatory factor in the increasingly late development of adolescents. We now have men and women in their 20s and early 30s still living at home as something out of the dynamic is becoming more and more common. This is isn’t an accident the Oedipus complex. • The resolution of it, and its final repression in adolescence is the gateway to adult responsibility to maturity and to the ability to engage in reality an effective adaptive way. Take that away and children cannot seem to grow up. We now today are seeing the effects of what looks like what would have looked at Freud like Oedipal development derailment. In that our adolescence seem incapable of growing up and taking adult responsibility. And yet we are incapable of recognizing our own participation in that derailment and somehow we always seem to blame the children. • Freud is also saying because he sees it in his patients, a hostile antagonistic conflict in both boys and girls. It is a simultaneous ambivalence that we can hate our father and wish him dead, but we also love him, and also meet him to protect us. Same thing with the mother. We may if were female desire the father and see the mother as the hated competition and yet we need the mother's love. That those two things, sit side-by-side Freud sees as ambivalence is okay. It does not have to be resolved. Hate does mean you have to act it out. It sits here as a normal function in us in a human's mind we get to love and we get to hate. • Among other things, that the position of the child in the family order is a factor of extreme importance in determining the shape of his later life. It should deserve consideration in every life history birth order right there. He then adds and I think necessarily so I treatment of something that I think causes the most difficulty for everyone, and that is the prohibition of incest. • Connect with Donovan: • Google+: https://plus.google.com/+DonovanBigel... • Facebook: / donovanbigelowlmhc • Website: http://donovanbigelow.com/ • Donovan Bigelow is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) in private psychotherapy practice in Seattle, Washington. His clinical focus is on adolescent, adult, and couples therapy. He believe that therapists cannot take a patient deeper than they have been willing to go themselves.