Hewing for Homesteaders Tie Hacker style with different axes
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This video just demonstrates that you can hew to the line with widely different axes and get a similar result. Here I’m testing out the phantom bevel jersey axe I hung in a previous video series for scoring. I was wondering if the longer handle, which had made bucking awkward in some cases, would be useful in scoring. It worked quite well. • For hewing I first used my double bevel broad axe. I have this axe hung on a long 34” white ash handle. I believe that this axe head was originally a standard American single bevel broadaxe head at one time, but that a previous owner had re-profiled it to a double bevel. Inspired by onsek, / @onsek5936 • I decided to try hanging this axe and using it with a long straight handle and try some hewing tie-hacker style in a method similar to the one he often uses. I’ve found this to be a very efficient and comfortable method of hewing, and I’ve found it adapts well to almost any double bevel axe, not just broad axes. • To test that theory, it the video I hew the other side of this small log with a 2.5 lb boy’s axe that I hung a little over a week ago. I’ve never used this axe at all up to the video being shot, and it proved to be a fun and efficient little axe for hewing. I will definitely be hewing some more surfaces with this axe.