Harley Davidson VROD Muscle Custom Seat Installation

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Harley Davidson VRod Muscle Custom Seat Installation • http://www.BitchinSeatCo.com • Bitchin Seat Company Custom VRod Muscle Seat install. • Installation retains factory hardware. • For taller riders we have a V-Rod Road Racer Cafe Fender and Solo Seat Kit. We are also able to do a hybrid kid for other V-Rod models 2007 and up. • This new BSC Muscle Road Racer design will allow us to make the seating position at least 1” lower in the saddle and up to 4” back if needed. The BSC Road Racer Conversion Kits are designed for simple installation minus the “ Chop Up Your Bike Mentality”. That’s right, no cutting, grinding, welding, sniping soldering or painting. The Road Racer fender utilizes the stock taillight system as seen in these photos. Notice the top of the rear fender profile is taller than stock F-Model tail sections, and that the forward position has been cut back approximately 2” allowing more room for the custom BSC seat positioning. Perfect seating for all you riders over 6’ tall. Now there is no reason to feeling cooped up on your bike. Suddenly the bars and foot controls aren’t in such a bad position. But no worries for you shorter riders, our seats are custom made to fit and we will simply make it to your specs. Our custom seat department can move you as far forward, and as low as you need, and we can make the seat as lean in the leg are as necessary to allow you to reach the ground and your forward controls. • This kit has been road tested and proven to be tuff, reliable and effective. Just roll back on the throttle and let her through you back in to that Bitchin Seat. You will then appreciate the positive support, comfort and control that only Bitchin Seat Company can make custom for you. • If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment or contact us any way you feel fit. • Thank You, • BSC


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