FOTD226 Licking Rat Babies
Licking Rat Babies • Another example of epigenetics - the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than altering the genetic code itself • Rats licked lots as babies are not as aggressive and different sexual behaviour compared to those that were not licked as much when babies. • Experiment foster them to different mothers when born, one high licking mother and one low licking mother. It showed it had nothing to do with genes but with how much they were licked when they were young. • Not the biological mother that defined that behaviour in the rats but the mother that took care of them. Showed a sequence of biochemical events triggered by mother licking babies that altere DNA and influences behaviour of rats when older. Fostering mother that triggers it. • This is thought to be linked to humans and the expression of love, affection and physical touch that you show to a baby and children as they grow. The more that is shown the less likely it is thought that aggressive behaviour will be shown in later years. • Music provided by Frequency • Track: Kris Cerro - Heartbreak (feat. SVMVNTHV) • Link: • Kris Cerro - Heartbreak (feat. SVMVNTHV) • A new Science fact every day on Facebook live and YouTube every day, 365 days of the year. • Subscribe to my channel here • • Like this video? Share it here: • • #FOTD226 Licking Rat Babies • For daily FB live FOTD follow • / marklotsulife • Instagram • / marklotsu • Twitter • / marklotsulife interesting