Tutorial47 MMIC Amplifier Simulation amp User Defined EM with RFPro
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=AxO3dd-BDds
03:00 - EM Simulation of MMIC Amplifier • 12:00 - EM Circuit CoSimulation of MMIC Amplifier • 16:00 - Comparison of multiple simulations in RFPro • 21:00 - EM Cosimulation on demand • 27:15 - in-situ component characterization • 37:00 - User Defined EM extractions of selected sections of the design • Performing EM analysis of active circuits is always challenging as active devices can't be simulated by an EM simulator. Also, many times we need to remove certain components from the EM analysis to isolate the cause of distortion in overall results. Traditional EM analysis methodology is not the best approach to do all this as it forces lot of manual work on designers. You will see how great RFPro use model is to do all these complex jobs with great ease.