Step Stool
Step Stool • A lot of effort and love for a beautiful birthday present. I gave my precious product to my mother for 70 years. In addition to making her happy, I made it easier for her to work in the kitchen, because now she can easily reach the tall cabinets. At the same time, it is also a beautiful decoration with a fairy-tale touch. It can also be used for sitting or as a flower stand. • The Step Stool is made entirely of solid wood, i.e. pine glued panels and oak antlers. The dimensions of the stick are similar to those in stores, but the shape is made freely. The idea and wish was my mother's, but I came closest to her wishes, because I made it in such a way that it is structurally the most stable and also has a beautiful appearance. • I cross-glued two 1.6 cm thick pine wood panels with white wood glue and obtained excellent strength and a thickness of 3.2 cm. I made two such panels for two steps. For the connection, I used dry oak antlers from my tree, which I had previously peeled and sanded. I attached them with glue and wood screws. I helped myself with various machines and tools as you can see in the video. When everything dried well, I protected it with five coats of clear varnish. I made the entire product with my best energy, because I wanted it to always be felt when using it. • I always worked on this beautiful creation with love and joy. I also really like the product and I'm very happy that it went into the right hands. It took a long time to make, because as always, it was the first time for me:) Thank you for watching the video and I'm glad that you also enjoyed watching it. I wish you to receive the valuables that mean the most to you. Lots of laughter and joy for you, Damijan. • @wood makes me feel good • Stopničasta pručka • Veliko truda in ljubezni za prelepo rojstno dnevno darilo. Svoj dragoceni izdelek sem podaril svoji mami za 70 let. Poleg tega, da sem jo osrečil, sem ji s tem olajšal delo v kuhinji, saj sedaj z lahkoto doseže do visokih omaric. Hkrati je tudi lep okras s pravljičnim privdihom. Lahko služi tudi za sedenje ali stojalo za rože. • Stopničasta pručka je izdelana v celoti iz masivnega lesa in sicer iz borovih lepljenih plošč ter hrastovih rogovil. Dimenzije pručke so podobne kot v trgovinah oblika pa je narejena svobodno. Zamisel in želja je bila mamina, jaz pa sem se najbolj približal njenim željam, saj sem jo izdelal tako, da je konstrukcijsko najbolj stabilna ter tudi lepega izgleda. • Dve lepljeni plošči borovega lesa debeline 1,6 cm sem z belim lepilom za les zlepil križno in pridobil odlično trdnost in debelino 3,2 cm. Izdelal sem dve taki plošči za dve stopnici. Za povezavo sem uporabil suhe hrastove rogovile svojega drevesa, katere sem predhodno olupil in zbrusil. Pritrdil sem jih z lepilom in vijaki za les. Pomagal sem si z različnimi mašinami in orodji kot si jih lahko ogledate v videu. Ko se je vse dobro posušilo, pa sem jo zašćitil s petimi nanosi prozornega laka. Celotni izdelek sem izdeloval s svojo najboljšo energijo, saj sem želel da se to ob uporabi vedno čuti. • Prelepo stavaritev sem ves čas delal z ljubeznijo in veseljem. Izdelek je tudi meni zelo všeč in sem zelo vesel, da je šel v prave roke. Dolgo časa je trajala izdelava, saj kot vedno, je bilo zame to prvič:) Hvala da ste si ogledali video in veseli me, da ste tudi vi uživali ob ogledu. Želim vam, da tudi vi sami prejmete dragocenosti, katere vam največ pomenijo. Veliko smeha in veselja za vas, Damijan. • @wood makes me feel good • One of the music: • Night at the Dance Hall by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. • Source: • Artist: