Propaganda Chapter 3 Africans who dont understand this are doomed


My magnus opus: • Please leave a review for Uangalifu: Secure your Life, Wealth and Health • Uangalifu, “to be careful with everything,” is the philosophy of choosing African security first in all aspects of your life. In “Uangalifu: Secure your Life, Wealth and Health” you will dissect twenty-one diverse topics, from marriage and materialism to territorialism and tribalism, through a lens of your personal and collective security. Good life, wealth and health is the product of good choices and favorable probabilities. You will learn how to make these good choices and how to have favorable probabilities for yourself, your family, your nation and your people! • Onitaset Kumat is an Africanist Philosopher whose field of study is African Power and the Development of Race Conscious African Leadership. He writes on Ancient African Powers like Kmt, Kenesu and the forgotten Maa Confederation; but also divulges the wisdom of Marcus Garvey, Julius Nyerere and the forgotten Carlos Cooks. Onitaset has written three major works: Zuberi; and the Maroons of Maa, the deep thought science-fiction romance vignette set in an optimistic Pan-Africanist future with strong pro-Family messaging; The Pro-Black Compendium, a collection of Africanist knowledge ranging from historic African civilizations and Wars to quotations, biographies and self-help insights; and The Book of Power, the groundbreaking work on African empowerment that focuses on elite building, racial consciousness, land-based solutions and African self-sufficiency. Onitaset Kumat hosts his weekly Sunday Warship, The Pro-Black Perspective on KWAZ Radio and is an active participant in the Pan-African Discussions discord. He can be reached on YouTube or email. • • Please leave a review for Uangalifu • Discord: • Join the Discord for free eBooks and Previews • Twitter: @Onitaset • CashApp: $ABSOni • Merch: • The Bitter Medicine Podcast:    / bittermedicinepodcast   • The Harsh Reality Podcast:    / @theharshrealitypodcast4249   • • The Learning Curve:    / channel  


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