The Gunpowder Plot – Guy Fawkes Tries to Blow Up Parliament FifthOfNovember todayinhistory
Remember, remember, the Fifth of November! In 1605, a group of English rebels, led by Guy Fawkes, attempted to blow up the British Parliament. They stashed 36 barrels of gunpowder under the building, aiming to assassinate King James I and his government. But the plan was foiled when one of the conspirators sent a warning letter, and the authorities found Fawkes in the cellar, ready to ignite the fuse! The Gunpowder Plot is remembered every year on November 5th with bonfires, fireworks, and even Guy Fawkes masks. A failed plot that became a major British holiday! • • #GunpowderPlot #GuyFawkes #FifthOfNovember #BritishHistory #ExplosiveHistory #ParliamentPlot #HistoryFacts #FailedPlots #RememberRemember #BonfireNight