The Ra Material and the Christ Event dialogue with Doug Scott cont
part 1: • The Law of Three (dialogue with Doug ... • Matt and Doug delved into a discussion on Christianity, its praxis, and the intertwining concepts of Jesus Christ and spiritual evolution. They began by focusing on Doug's proposal to explore the praxis of metamodern Christianity, integrating both exoteric and esoteric interpretations. • Metaphysical Foundations and Cosmic Evolution • Doug started by providing a context from the Ra material, also known as the Law of One, a series of philosophical teachings communicated by an entity named Ra through channeling sessions in the 1980s. Central to these teachings is the concept of densities, representing levels of spiritual evolution that souls progress through. Earth is currently transitioning from third to fourth density, moving from self-awareness and ego (third density) to universal love and understanding (fourth density). • Doug elaborated on the metaphysical circumstances involving the Sub-Logos (the Sun) and Earth-Logos. According to the Ra material, the Earth-Logos, encompassing all human souls, is undergoing a significant evolutionary process. Doug explained that the Earth's current state, filled with varying polarities and a lack of spiritual readiness, creates friction that must be reconciled for progress into higher densities. • Integration with Whitehead's Metaphysics • Matt Segall connected these ideas with Alfred North Whitehead's metaphysics, providing a broader philosophical context. His concept of concrescence describes how multiple events or experiences combine into a unified whole, emphasizing the dynamic and interconnected nature of existence. Matt highlighted how spiritual growth involves a similar process of integrating experiences and emotions to achieve higher states of being. • Matt emphasized the necessity of viewing the sense world not as an illusion but as a symbolic expression of deeper realities. He argued that modern scientific perspectives often dismiss the relevance of emotions and subjective experiences in understanding the universe. However, esoteric traditions suggest that these inner experiences are keys to interpreting the cosmos. • The Emotional Ontology and Chakra Evolution • Matt introduced the idea of an emotional ontology, suggesting that deep structures of human experience are interpretive keys for understanding the universe. He explained that the shift from lower chakras (focused on survival and ego) to the heart chakra (universal love and forgiveness) is crucial for spiritual evolution. Matt stressed the importance of forgiveness, both of oneself and others, as a pivotal practice for spiritual advancement. He connected this to Christ's teachings, highlighting the need for a shift from ego-based love to a more universal love. • Practical Application: The Ship's Approach • Doug introduced his Ship's Approach as a method to guide individuals through spiritual and personal transformation. This approach encompasses: • Solidarity (S): Establishing a sense of togetherness and mutual support, recognizing our shared journey. • Hope (H): Cultivating hope by understanding personal values and setting achievable goals, which act as beacons towards future joy. • Process (P): Emphasizing the ongoing nature of personal growth, accepting that evolution is continuous and non-linear. • Service (S): Engaging in acts of loving service to others, which grounds spiritual practice in tangible actions. • Matt expanded on these ideas by linking them to Whitehead's concept of concrescence. He pointed out that personhood itself is an ongoing project, requiring continuous learning and growth, much like the process of soul-making described by Whitehead in terms of a historical route of actual occasions. • Death and Spiritual Realization • The conversation turned to the concept of death and its role in spiritual realization. Matt emphasized that confronting the reality of death without fear is essential for finding deeper meaning in life. He shared an exercise from a Buddhist workshop that involved partners acknowledging each other's mortality, designed to alter consciousness and highlight the urgency and preciousness of life. • Many religious and philosophical systems, including some forms of evangelical Christianity as much as supposedly secular forms of transhumanism, mistakenly seek immortality for the ego. Instead, Matt suggested that hope and meaning should be found in recognizing our role within a larger evolutionary process, transcending individual ego concerns. • Addressing Misplaced Concreteness and Immortality • Matt asserted that spiritual growth requires moving beyond the desire for individual immortality. He argued that the ego's pursuit of immortality is a form of misplaced concreteness, a term from Whitehead indicating an error in assuming abstract concepts are concrete realities. He emphasized that genuine hope must encompass acceptance of mortality and an understanding of our interconnectedness within the broader evolutionary process.