Your Moms House Podcast Ep 486 w Danny Brown
OMG Mommies! What a show we have for you today! We kick off the show with another cool guy who's looking for neat ladies! Feel free to reach out to him directly! Tom and Christina have some real talk about one of their favorite shows Love After Lockup, and Christina reveals a confessions that will surely go down as one of the juiciest #YMH exclusives of all time! • Our favorite dark web expert Josh Potter also joins us briefly to talk about the last stop of the Take It Down tour with Tom Segura! Will he be able to find someone to help him with his... problems? • We have some more unfortunate news regarding our studio sponsorships... when will our bad luck end?! • We then discover a guy that is genuinely too cool for the #CoolGuysClub , so we had to put him in his own Rich Guys Club! Hard Rock Nick is possibly our favorite new thing ever! • Then, we have an INSTANT hall-of-fame YMH guest enter the mommy dome, Danny Brown! Apparently, Danny's been a hardcore mommy this whole time and is down with all the references and cool guys we cover on the show! He tells us about 50 Cent rejecting him from G-Unit, his time in jail, his dumbest purchases, and whole bunch of other slick stuff! We can't wait to have him on again! You're gonna LOVE this high and tight episode! • • • • / yourmomshousepodcast • / yourmomshousepodcast