Stardew Valley Robins Project Completion Cutscene Both Choices
I thought this cutscene was really fun to watch, so I decided to share it! Robin is irritated by Demetrius in front of their children... • There is a part where you can choose to agree with either Robin or Demetrius, similar to Demetrius's six-heart event! In this video, both of them are shown (Robin's side first, then Demetrius's side), in case you have already seen the cutscene, and are curious what the other option would result in! • This event is achieved by heading to Robin's shop after completing the Robin's Project special order, where you have to harvest 80 Hardwood within a week and place it in Robin's shop. Special orders were a new addition in the 1.5 update, and they are unlocked at the start of fall in Year 1 automatically. • Timestamps: • When you reach 00:54, skip to 01:21 for the option to take Demetrius's side. Otherwise, the first choice taken will be Robin's. • Thumbnail image can be seen in the video at 00:56 • • Version: Stardew Valley v1.5.2 • Music (listed in order of first appearance): • Distant Banjo - ConcernedApe