Best Way to Strip Magnet Wire
DISCLAIMER: Herein is described a chemical method of removing insulation from magnet wire which does not harm the copper in any way. DANGEROUS CHEMICALS AND OPEN FLAMES ARE INVOLVED. Take the appropriate precautions to prevent accidental skin contact with caustic soda lye, especially when it's hot. Liquid sodium hydroxide will burn holes right through your skin! I am not wearing gloves in the video for illustrative purposes. Definitely wear gloves at all times when working with lye, or else you will know the reason why. Don't breathe the fumes either. Do not attempt to reproduce anything you see in this video. By watching, you agree that the content of this video is entertaining and unfit for all other purposes. You also agree that all person(s) in this video are a figment of your imagination and do not actually exist. I, who shall only be known as The Lightning Stalker, having been known as such from times long ago, in a relative sense, declare this video to be highly secretive, not being remembered on any conscious level. • DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT MY PATREON! / the_lightning_stalker • Twitter: @lgtngstk