Runescape 3 Complete Tree Farming Guide Efficient and Fastest Route
==UPDATED VERSION:== • • [Runescape 3] Complete Tree Farming G... • Extra things I would like to point out: • 1) Wisdom Aura is very helpful here as it grants 2.5% more experience for checking the health of the trees. However, I do not have 40,000 Loyalty Points to buy it. Other experience boosters can include Refer-a-friend bonus and Pulse Cores. • 2) Fruit Trees and Wood Trees I would not try to pay for protection as I prefer using Remote Farm (stay on perma-Lunars) once every 40 minutes and use Greenfingers aura with Herbs to protect some growth cycles. The reason I pay for Elder and Calquat is because they have a long growth cycle and their payment isn't too expensive. • 3) Even if protection is paid, I would still advise using Supercompost (Fertile Soil) as protection payments only cure the disease but not 100% prevent it. • 4) Under today's (the video creation date) GE prices, the cost of this entire farm run is 2,263,024 GP (excluding the cost of teleports and porters). Harvesting 6 Coconuts each patch will recover 141,540 GP. • 5) Elf City Quiver 4 helps harvest a 2nd Crystal Tree Blossom (which is good Herblore XP). Speaking of tasks, if you have completed the Varrock Elite Tasks you may set your teleport to near the museum instead of the Varrock Square. • 6) Try to avoid logging in or out between the following times: HH:00-HH:05, HH:20-HH-25 and HH:40-HH:45. This is because those times are potential growth windows and it can interfere with growing if you log in or out during those times. • 7) Warbands is also a decent choice for farming as it offers around 360k XP each day at level 99 (experience/level boosts do not help there). I would recommend choosing Mining or Smithing first over that however. • 8) It used to be a glitch that Scroll of Life (please get that if you don't own it to save cash) would not trigger unless you paid the farmer to chop the tree and clear it down for you. You can now clear it manually and it will still trigger. • In a 9 minute run one can expect 204k Farming experience! This is calculated as if no experience boosts were used and only experience gained was from checking the health if all matured. Around every 3 days you check the Elder Tree. If this was done for 1 hour, the projected XP/H would then become ~1.42m/h (8:37 mins this run took). • I would optimally run this full cycle once every ~24 hours and once every 12 hours, I would do a cycle of only magic trees. If you do own Spirit Tree Seeds, I would use Captain's Log (in pocket slot) for the first tree, second patch is slightly east of the Brimhaven fruit tree patch and third tree can be accessed via Miscellania teleport scroll. • If you are still unsure about my path, it goes like this: • Lumby lode - wood tree teletabs - caterby lode - karamja/brimhaven patches - gnome patches - elven patches