Switching to virtual simulation (VSIM) is a challenge. One of the biggest challenges is coming up with a care plan for this type of patient. In this video I talk about the 5 steps to creating a care plan on a VSIM patient. • Step 1: Take notes on patient and look for abnormalities • Step 2: Using your NANDA book select and appropriate nursing diagnosis for your patient • Write it using the formula: NANDA approved diagnosis found in your book (identifies a problem) + (related to) cause (as evidence by) statement of proof like signs or symptoms • Step 3: Think of some outcomes (what you want the patient to achieve) and then turn those into goal statements using this formula: subject+ action verb + time • Step 4: Using your NANDA book find appropriate nursing interventions related to your goals and don’t forget to cite the rationale for choosing said intervention • Step 5: Make up your evaluation. Was your goal met and what proof of that do you have? • Got a video request? Let me know in the comments below. • WHAT TO WATCH NEXT? • o How to be successful in your online classes • HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN YOUR ONLINE C... • o How to do ALL that reading in college • HOW TO DO ALL THAT READING IN COLLEGE • o How to make a study guide • HOW TO MAKE A STUDY GUIDE FOR FINALS • o Dealing with stress in school • DEALING WITH STRESS IN SCHOOL • SOCIAL MEDIA • INSTAGRAM: / thatnursingprof • TWITTER: / thatnursingprof • FACEBOOK: / thatnursingprof • CHEAT SHEET NOTES • • How to Cite My Channel • Thatnursingprof. (n.d). Thatnursingprof [YouTube Channel]. YouTube. Retrieved (date) from • / @thatnursingprof2661 • The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional *