Colonial Penn Whole Life Insurance My Review
http://www.BuyLifeInsuranceForBurial.... - Call 888-626-0439 for a personalized, no-obligation quote! • My name is David Duford from and today's video is to give you some inside information on Colonial Penn whole life insurance. I'm a life insurance agent that helps people just like yourself find life insurance that's gonna cover their final expenses, who wanted affordably -and the key- to make sure that its of good value as well. And the truth about Colonial Penn -and their whole life insurance product- will probably shock. But that's the reason why I’m doing this video, because I've literally sat down with hundreds of people who have had Colonial Penn and by simple showing them some of the fine print, they've been shocked to see how the Colonial Penn product was not in their best interests. • So let me explain. Colonial Penn does what's a called a guaranteed issue life insurance product. If you watch their commercial with Alex Trebek or your read some of their sales material you'll notice it'll always say guaranteed acceptance, we don't ask you any health questions and they make it sound like it’s a selling point, that's it to your advantage. Well what they say is to your advantage, is not actually to your advantage. Here's the reason why. If you think about it, you've probably heard the phrase you never get something for nothing. You know and in the life insurance business for final expenses you’re not gonna get the best value if people don't know your health. Now you may have health problems if you’re listening to this but that still doesn't mean you can't get a better value. What Colonial Penn wants to convince you of is their whole life product is the best thing. It's the cat’s meow as my mom would say. • And so here's the problem with the product. Guaranteed issue means they don't ask you any health questions. Which means they don't know if you’re on your death bed, if you have a few issues like maybe COPD or diabetes or maybe had a heart attack years ago, or if you're perfectly healthy. Point is, they take everybody and anybody who expresses interest and assumes the worst. Life insurance companies are designed to make money, and assume the worst. OK. And the way they do that -here's the catch- is they do not cover you for natural causes fully for the first two years of your insurance that you pay for it. Which means if you die within the first two years of natural causes, they will not pay the full death claim. They will refund your money to your beneficiary plus seven percent interest --which mathematically is not a lot of money. So, why is this a problem? Well look...if you’re like me, we don't know when we're gonna die. Now I sell life insurance and I have been shocked by people that I've sold insurance to who are now gone --who were otherwise perfectly healthy --that died within the first two years. • I can think of a gentleman -actually two in Georgia- one who is in perfect shape when he took it out at 70 and then he discovered he had brain cancer a year later and died within two to three months. It was such a sad occasion but if he had Colonial Penn they wouldn't have paid the twenty thousand dollars in death claims that were paid out. I had another gentleman the same deal. Six months after he took the plan out, perfectly healthy -had some issues very long time ago- he died. Had he had Colonial Penn -or any of these other guaranteed issue companies- he would not have had the coverage left to his family and his wife. That's the key. Because if you're looking for some type of life insurance product, I think that you know that deep down you want to get the best of value. Not just the good price and the key is to get as much coverage as quickly as possible as well as get it for the best price. • If this is something that you didn't know about that you're not wanting to get now -I hope not- and you wanna try to find and work with somebody whose gonna give you the best value, I highly encourage you to step over to my website. It's There I've got more information on insurance products. If you go down here at the bottom of the video, there's a link you can click to. It'll take you to my website where you can fill a form out to contact me. Where I or one of my people, where I work and partner with, will speak with you personally about other options that are superior to Colonial Penn. My name is David Duford at, please click on the link below and feel free to reach out to me if I can help you. Thanks so much for listening. • Take care! • • • Colonial Penn Whole Life Insurance - ... • / @fixedincomehelp624